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Another update
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Quote__Failures or limitations of the past have no control over the greatness in you . To him that believes, all things are possible 💥🔥

Back home

"How was camp? I want all the details. Met new faces? Any new friends? Tell me everything "

(Sighs) my mom and her end led questions

" Apparently,  I made quite a number of new friends,  two of them stay here in Santa Monica ,and yeah , guess who was also there at camp ?"

"Ummm Jenny?"

"No mom, I told you Kim and I were the only ones from my school who were attending the camp."

"So who, OMG ... don't tell me it's what I'm thinking,  was Jayson there? I hope nothing happened between you two? Did he try anything? Tell me baby."

Lol I'm sure you now understand what I mean when I say that my mother is the Queen of Overreacting

"Nothing much happened mom, we didn't really talk that much , we were both too busy for each other so yea, no bad blood."

I really had to lie to her, she usually blows things out of proportion and I wasn't ready for drama.Just like when Jayson and I had broken up, I had told her about all the things that had happened between us , she almost ended her friendship with Jason's mom , I had to convince her that it wasn't her fault that her son was such an idiotic jerk bluh bluh

" if you say so , if he tries anything , don't hesitate to call me. I know I'm always at work sometimes, but just know that I'm only one call away , you get that "

She says this as she cups my face with her hands then places a light kiss on my cheek

" Don't worry mom, nothing's gonna happen. I'll be okay"

"Okay fine,  you need to get rest now, I'll help you carry your bags upstairs "

I throw myself on my bed, I'm too exhausted to change into my nighties , but mom had made it clear that there was no way I was gonna sleep without taking a shower first. Too much for being a girl

I take a warm bath and change into my favourite nighties , they are pink Mickey mouse nighties ,together by my blush pink morning shoes.

I check my phone for any missed calls or texts from a new number but there's nothing, just a few missed calls from Mikayla, notifications from instagram, Facebook, what's app and all the other social networks. My battery had been dead for 4 days , which explains the existence of soo many notifications. Had i known that we would be sleeping in "socketless" tents, i wouldnt have bothered carryimg any of my gadgets. The camera had been of good use though. Shaey and the other girls had promised to contact me but nah , that wasn't the main reason why I was soo eager to hear my phone ring. Earlier in the day when we had been taking our bags off the bus, George had walked up to me...

" Hey Princess"

"Lol you're getting used to calling me that, is that umm my new nickname? "

"Well it depends? Do you like it?"

I notice the grin on his face , he seems pretty nervous,  why is he always like this around me? I wonder

"Yea , it sounds pretty cool. You can call me that "

"Well I've been wondering "


"Would I be too forward if I asked you for your number?"

I let out a loud laugh

" No, not even , you can get it from Sammy, my mom's giving me suspicious glances, I wouldn't wanna give her any ideas. I have to go now

I give him a soft hug goodbye and I make my way to my mom's car

"WHO was that ?"

"Just a new friend I met at camp"

I can see from the expression on her face that she's expecting more detail , but I just pretend like I didn't see that and bring up another topic.

So this is the reason why I had been curiously checking for any new calls or texts. After about an hour of waiting,  my phone finally rings. My ringing tone is one of my favorite songs , heart attack by Demi Lovato " So I'm putting my defences up, cause I don't wanna fall in love, if I ever did that I think I'll have a heart attack "  And he'll yeah, I mean that lol.

The smile on my face was priceless, up until I saw the caller ID. Why was Jayson calling me. Surprisingly he still had my number. Im not sure if picking the call is the right thing to do but I then decide to hear him out at the fourth ring.

"At last, I thought I'd never get to hear your angelic voice again. "

"What do you want Jays"

" I know you like my voice too, don't tryna deny it. And ooh i like it when you call me that , I've told you before right? Please hear me out, we need to talk. "

"Youre so full of yourself Jayson. What do we need to talk about "

"Firstly , I need to apologize for the other night.  I know I acted like a jerk but I couldn't stand you being with another guy. Watching  you holding hands with him , acting like he owned you I just...."

"Really now , the only person who acted like he owned me was you.  I know what your intentions are, Yeah, you tryna fuvk me and my mind up. This is a reminder , you are a liar and you know I'm right . You don't care , actually you never cared about me .just because you see me happy , not crying over you and you suddenly realise that you like me ?Really Jays,  I'm done with you, font you ever contact me again."

I was about to hang up the phone but Jayson said something that had my blush rushing through my veins,  faster than usual

"I love you Gaby, you know I do. I just didn't realise it earlier,  you're the person I want to be with. Not violet or any other girl. "

After hearing this, I ran out of words to say. Did he really mean this?Was he only playing me

"Babe ,I know you can hear me , I said I'm sorry. What can I do to prove that I really regret hurting you? Gaby? '"

"Yes? ,, umm I heard what you said , and to be honest, I really don't know what to say "

"I totally understand you, you're probably still mad at me. But I promise that if you give me a second chance,  I won't let you down. I'll give you time to think about it. Goodnight babe."

" Goodnight Jayson " was all I could say before hanging up and switchingoff my phone.

Time To think , to think about what? I'm sure I hated this guy , why was I even considering his request.  He had used e, cheated on me with my friend and dumped me in the end. He didn't deserve my sympathy . Mind mind was playing tricks on me , my heart even worse . I wasn't in the mood for all this . All I wanted to do was sleep and forget about all my worries.

Question __who do you think was my favorite high school musical actor 😻😻
This is going to be exciting 😂😂
Much love 💌💌
Much love

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