7. The Last Night

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Quote --Confident walking is more successful than confused running. Follow no one , but Learn from everyone


"I'm really sorry Gaby"

"For what?"

"For everything actually, for all the pain I've caused uou.I've made you cry,countless times ,I've been a jerk to you and yeah, the least I can do is apologize right."

I could sense regret and sadness in his voice. Did he really mean what he said or was it just one of his tricks to get me to warm up with him. Well , to hell with him, the vulnerable and stupid Gaby who was helplessly in love with him was long gone, I was over him , well at least I was trying.

"You know what , being with you was the worst mistake I've ever made. I know better now and I'm never going to go back , running into your arms like a homeless dog like I always do , I don't know what you're trying to achieve with your little apologetic talk but I'm done with you.If you could please excuse me....."

As soon as I'm done with my "speech" I walk away , not giving him a chance to explain anything. I could feel emotions building up in my chest. I really needed someone to talk to. In moments like these ,I really do miss Mikayla, my Best friend . The ideal person to talk to right now will be Loe , I'm sure she'd understand and I'd  feel better after getting all this off my chest . I walk over yo were she's standing . Thank heavens she doesn't seem pretty busy. We walk outside and I tell her everything that had happened with Jays and before I knew it, I had tears all over my face

"So you're telling me that 2 days after you guys ummm "did it" ,that's when you found out that he had been double crossing you with another chick? That guy is a total jerk."

We talk about everything,  she comforts me , I ask her to be left alone and she walks back inside after giving me a warm hug. Talking about it didn't make things better, I can't get Jayson out of my mind .I'm so busy contemplating on my love problems that I don't notice when someone makes their way towards me.

"Mind me joining you?"

I swear George's voice sounds a lot like Nate's .Their eyes look abit alike too. Could George be Nate?

"No, I wouldn't mind , you can join me"

"Thank you, so why aren't you inside drinking and dancing like the others? "

"Well , I had a problem with someone earlier on so I decided to come out for some air"

"Umm someone? Could that person be Jayson?

"Of all the people here, why did you think of him"

"Well,, I , I noticed the way ummm yea the way you guys look at each other and I think I saw you too together a few minutes ago"

Why was George stammering? He seems unsure of what he was saying.it's as if he knew something about us , well me and Jayson. There was some mystery about this guy and my mind was telling me thst there was a connection between him and Nathan. I decide to let it go. We stay outside for about an hour, we talk about our interests and although George didn't wanna venture more into his personal life, like his friends and all, I could tell that we had soo much in common.

"Gaby , Gaby! Jayson is in there , he's drunk , he's totally mad,shouting at everyone, he's looking for you  he says he wants to apologise. You need to go inside you're the only one who can calm him down.

"Gaby my love, I'm really sorry ,please don't hate me. I've made a lot of mistakes but you're the only one for me. I've suffered enough in the last months without you by my side , please forgive me."

"Jayson, please don't make a fool out of yourself, everyone's watching,  even your girlfriend is here , respect her , how do you expect her to feel."

Everyone was now just standing there, some were taking videos , people were making different comments .Violet was crying and she looked at me with hateful eyes. Why did Jayson have to do this. A part of me was really happy about all this through,  Jayson really did like me too. Although he hadn't said the love word , I'm sure he cared about me as much as I did about him. I felt my hands shaking , my palms were sweating, I knew Jays had a temper and he could do something crazy right now. I'm sure George might have felt me shivering, I felt his hand slowly wrap around my waist , I needed this . I didn't expect Jays to put up such a dramatic scene.

"So this fool is the reason why you don't want anything to do with me anymore ? You really chose this guy over me ?Really Gaby. I thought you had better taste. "

Before I knew it, George was on the ground. Jayson was giving him endless punches in the face, people tried stopping him but he was just unstoppable. Did jays really think that there was something between me and George. Even if I was dating him, he didn't have any right to throw punches at him. He didn't own me. I was soo devastated,  Gavin walked over to me , he hugged me and told me that everything was gonna be okay. Josh and the other guys finally managed to separate the two and I could tell that George was really furious.

He didn't even try talking to me , he just walked out of the club and I assumed that he was going back to our place of residence. I wanted to go after him but Gav stopped me. I was really mad at Jayson , he didn't have any right to do what he had just done.

"No matter how much you try running away from me, you'll always come back to me. You love me Gaby , You and I belong together , you are mine baby girl , Forgive me please ......."

"Gavin please get me out me out of here, I really can't stand him right now."
" Okay cupcake,  don't let this get to you. He's just drunk, he's not usually like this . Keep it together,  you'll be okay ."

We walk outside, he removes his jacket and hangs it over my shoulders,  honestly I don't even feel cold , all I feel is rage, was George ever gonna talk to me ? Jayson was always going to be a selfish jerk.

We stay outside for about half an hour , there seems to be a bit of some silence inside and I'm guessing things have cooled down.
" So about  the Nathan guy you asked me about , "

" Yes?"

"I heard that Mrs Pickson's son was with us at the Masquerade party , so I'm guessing he's the guy you were with. I'm not really sure of his name but i think he's the one since you haven't found him as yet"

"Oh okay , that might be the case , I just wanna go back. I'll look for Shazy and the others . Thanks for being there for me, I have to go now"

Everyone seems to be leaving now. I talk to the girls and we make our way back too. I'm not really in the mood to talk so they don't mind asking me about the Jayson issue .. We arrive at the tent and we all go to sleep. Im really finding it hard to sleep. I keep getting flashbacks of what had happened at the club. Did he really mean what he said ?what would happen with Violet then ? I kept thinking of all this for about an hour but i finally managed to catch my sleep.

Two updates in one day, you guys deserved that since I've been Mia for a while now
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