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The boy looked at his new pokemon. "Prof. Hemlock never told me to give him the pokemon when I caught it..." he said quietly, thinking. "And he doesn't treat pokemon well anyway. It would probably just run away again. I'll keep it!"

He held the masterball tightly in his hand.

...fighting...the highter's fighting...they were the chosen of all pokemon...they were tearing the pokemon apart...chaos...

*Stop it!* she screamed voicelessly. But they didn't. Because she wasn't there. Because she had failed.

"Pokeball, go!" called the boy.

[Who are you?] "Mid, mid, midnight?"

"So, you're a midnight? My name is Ashura, or Ash for short. My parents named me after the legendary Ash Ketchem, pokemon master and catcher of all the pokemon but the legendary bird Ho-oh, and the legendary wolves," he said proudly. "What attacks do you know?'

[I don't...remember] she whispered.

He seemed to understand this. "Well, can you try to knock over that tree?"

Midnight ran over and Headbutted the tree. It shuddered, cracked and fell.

"Wow, that's a pretty strong headbutt attack. Try scratching it."

They continued for a while seeing what attacks Midnight knew. She couldn't do any special attacks, but knew physical ones: headbutt, scratch, slash, stomp, cut, slam, body slam, defense curl, double kick, double slap, fury attack, fury swipes, guillotine, hyper fang, lick, low kick, pound, quick attack, rollout, sand attack, strength, tackle, takedown, fury cutter, metal claw, extreme speed, flail, bite, steel wing, gust and wing attack.

Ash had a list of attacks, abet not complete, and he used it to check what she could do.

"Your attacks are all super-strong, but I think you need to work of the strength of your wings. Can you use fly?"

Midnight shook her head.

"Try then."

Midnight pumped her wings. [I don't know how to fly] she said quietly.

"Come on, Midnight, you can do it. Once you use fly, your wings will get stronger," Ash said soothingly.

Her wings beat harder until she lifted off the ground. She flew up higher. Midnight smiled. She was finally getting the hang of this!

"Midnight, come down. You should try to land now, before you get tired. You're already tired form all your attacks," said Ash nervously.

Obediently, Midnight flew down. Landing was harder then it seemed. She skimmed over the ground but was going too fast. She wasn't sure how to slow down. She started running across the ground, slowing down like that, but she was still going very, very fast.

Tired from her afternoon of practicing attacks, she stumbled on a stone.

Midnight fell on her side, one wing crumpled under her, and she skidded about a hundred feet before stopping. Her wing was broken and torn. She howled in pain.

"Oh no! Midnight!" yelled Ash. "Return!" He spun, and raced for the nearest pokecenter.

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