Chapter Two: Jeremy

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Jeremy's POV

Jeremy was... startled to say the least. Evan, his stepbrother, had almost seen him watching porn. Had he seen? Jeremy didn't think Evan had. He hoped Evan hadn't seen. That was going to be an awkward conversation. What would Evan even say? "Oh, I saw you watching porn this morning, wanna tell me about that?" Gah. That would be the worst. 

Jeremy tried to seem as casual as possible as he walked down the stairs. Would Evan ask in front of his dad? Oh no. To be honest, Jeremy barely knew Evan. He knew he was Heidi's son, but... It wasn't like Evan talked to him a ton, not that he talked to Evan. His dad said Evan had social anxiety. Jeremy was fairly awkward and the two just ended up just not talking a ton. Whenever Michael came over, he would try to talk to Evan, but he never wanted to play video games with them.

Anyways, Jeremy had stopped walking down the stairs, mind rushing when he overheard Evan and his dad talking. "Hello, Evan," Mr. Heere said before sipping his coffee.

"G-good morning, M-Mr. Heere," Evan replied with a stutter.

"Evan," Mr. Heere looked up, "You can call me dad."

"O-ok, Mr. Heere."

Jeremy smiled and walked the rest of the way downstairs, where he saw Evan looking around nervously and his dad standing pantsless, drinking his coffee. "Dad!" Jeremy called. No wonder Evan looked so awkward. His stepdad was pantsless and asking him to call him dad. 

"Oh, hello, Jeremy. How are you?"

"Dad! Pants! Please!" Jeremy cried. His dad got out more often now then he used to, but he still had his moments. His pantsless moments.

Mr. Heere looked down as if just noticing he wasn't wearing any pants. "Oh, alright." He walked off to find some pants. He was also much better about putting pants on when he wasn't wearing them in the middle of the day.

"Sorry about that, Evan," Jeremy said. Evan looked up at him.

"It's not the first time that's happened," Evan murmured. Jeremy felt himself blushing in embarrassment. He looked away from Evan and grabbed a piece of toast. Evan stepped over and grabbed one with his good arm. Jeremy wasn't sure how Evan had broken his arm, but he had a cast. It was plain white, no signatures or anything. Maybe he should sign it... he felt kind of weird asking though.

"So," Jeremy started in between bites, "Are we taking the bus or walking?" 

Evan looked panicked. 'W-what?"

"Um, are we taking the bus to school or are we walking?" Jeremy asked again.

"Wait... do we have to do one or the other?" Evan asked in distress.

Jeremy felt the tension building in the room. Maybe Evan didn't like deciding these things either.   "Don't worry, honey, I'm driving you two on the way to work." Mrs. Hansen to the rescue. Evan sighed in relief.

"Oh, um thanks Mrs. Ha- Mom," Jeremy corrected himself. 

"No problem, sweetie," Mrs. Hansen replied. "Are you two ready to go?"

Evan nodded and Jeremy replied with a, "Sure."

Mrs. Hansen opened the door and smiled warmly, "Alright boys, get your bags and then we can go!" 

Evan got up and walked to his room to grab his bag and Jeremy did the same. Jeremy saw Evan in the hallway on the way back down and asked what was on his mind. "So... what's school like?"

"Fine," Evan responded.

"Okaaaay, are the people nice?"

Evan shrugged.

"Um, that's cool, I guess."

"There's a big library," Evan said eventually.

"Oh, um-"

"I go there after school sometimes."

"Fun," Jeremy replied. Maybe it was for Evan... but he would rather hang out with Michael.

They had reached the car by then. Evan got into the passenger seat, which left Jeremy sitting in the back. 

Mrs. Hansen smiled over-enthusiastically and asked, "Are you two excited to start another year?"

Evan nodded, but he didn't seem very excited. "Oh, um, yeah, I guess..." Jeremy answered. Mrs. Hansen beamed in reply.

Jeremy hoped this school would be better. He didn't want anything like the whole squip scenario to happen again. That was... awful. He hoped people didn't make fun of him and Michael either. Michael was really his only friend, and he was honestly Jeremy's favorite person. He didn't deserve to be made fun of. Plus, people always said he and Michael were boyfriends, which, they weren't. Jeremy knew his best friend was gay, but he wasn't. Probably. Also, even though he got Christine Canigula to date him for a little bit, she ended up not liking him that way, which... stung. He finally got his crush to notice him. To date him even! And then she left him. He respected her decision to break up, and they were still friends, but that didn't mean it didn't still hurt.

"Jeremy. Jeremy!" They car had stopped and Evan had gotten out. They were at school. "Have a nice day!" Mrs. Hansen called as he got out of the car.

"You too!" Jeremy called back. 

He could see Evan still so he followed him inside. Inside, he saw Evan talking to a boy with short brown hair and glasses. He wore a t-shirt under a red button-up. The other boy was smiling and laughing. Evan looked like he was trying to smile, but he wasn't quite there. Among the crowd Jeremy saw a figure in a red sweatshirt with white headphones over his ears. "Michael!" Jeremy cried, rushing over to his friend.

Jeremy tapped him on the back and Michael spun around, pulling his headphones off of one ear.   "Jeremy!" He smiled, "How's it going?"

"Oh! Good! How 'bout you?"

"Nothin' much is going on. Unless you count school." Suddenly Michael's eyes went wide and he grabbed Jeremy's shoulder and spun him around.

"What is it?" Jeremy cried, looking back at Michael. Michael just pointed.

"Is that... Evan?"

A boy with dark, shoulder length hair and a black jacket had shoved Evan to the ground and was running off. Suddenly a girl with light brown hair was rushing over to Evan, offering him her hand and helping him up, speaking to him quickly. Jeremy felt himself blushing again. She was... cute. 

"Jeremy?" Michael asked.

"Huh?" Jeremy asked, watching Evan and that girl. She was nice to help Evan up...

"Do you have a- crush on her?" Michael asked.

(A/N Ok, so... Jeremy has a crush on Zoe! This was really fun to write so if you're enjoying it please let me know :) Hope you like it!)

Dear Brother: A Dear Evan Hansen x Be More Chill Stepbrothers AUWhere stories live. Discover now