Chapter 19: Jared

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Jared's POV

"Evan. Evan? Evaaaaaaan? EVAN!" Jared was frantically waving his hand in front of Evan's face. He had been kinda... spaced out today. More than usual.

"Huh?" Evan finally looked up from his lunch, which he had been picking at slowly.

"Whatcha thinking about?"

Evan blushed lightly. "Well, I, um..."

"You what?"

"Um... this morning... I-"

"Hey guys!" Alana interrupted, walking towards the table. Oh well. Jared would find out sooner or later. Besides, Evan had been acting weird lately. He said he was friends with Connor. Connor Murphy! Shit. What if he was thinking about Connor, or something like that? Shit. Shit SHIT! "Jared, are you ready for the test?"

"Wait. What test?" He said in fake surprise.

"The math test! You mean, you didn't study?" She seemed kind of annoyed with Jared. Disappointed, but not surprised. She usually would go around telling him to study for this, or practice that. Jared didn't mind. It kept him on track.

Jared burst out laughing. "Of course I studied! You've been telling me to for the past week!"

Alana sighed. "Look Jared. If you want to keep going on and on about how you 'didn't study', trying to get me to freak out, it won't work. You've done it one too many times for that. It was a mediocre joke the first time. Just imagine how it is now." She glared at him. Evan watched all of this in silence, still picking at his food.

"Hey, uh, can I sit here?" Jared looked behind him to see Zoe Murphy standing there. Wait. Why did Zoe Murphy even want to sit with them? It wasn't like any of them were her friends or anything.

Jared raised an eyebrow and glanced from Evan to Alana, seeing how they would respond. "Oh. Sure. That's fine," Alana said confidently.

"Are you sure it's fi-"

"Jared!" Evan hissed under his breath. Jared knew Evan had a crush on Zoe at one point. He also happened to know that he had given up on it not too long ago.

"Fine. Whatever." Jared slumped back in his chair.

Alana and Zoe quickly sparked up a conversation. What it was about, Jared didn't know. He didn't really care either. He was busy thinking about Evan, trying to figure out what exactly it was that Evan wouldn't tell him.

After thinking about it for what seemed like forever, but was actually closer to three minutes, Jared figured he would just ask Evan. "So, Evan..." Evan turned to look at him nervously. "We never finished our conversation earlier." Evan's face went red.

"I-I'll tell you l-later," he stammered. That wasn't a good sign. At least Evan was willing to tell him sooner or later. Evan may have been very quiet most of the time, but he was always nice to Jared. If Jared was being honest, Evan was probably his closest friend. He didn't like the idea that he would spend a ton of time with Connor and not even tell him. Oh god. What did he and Connor even do most of the time? Did they just hang out, go to that orchard they mentioned, or was it something else? Were they... best friends? Jared didn't like the concept of anyone being Evan's best friend except for himself.

"J-Jared?" Evan asked. 

"What?" Jared snapped.

"I-I, um... You looked kind of upset. I can tell you now, I guess. If you want." 

"Whatever." Jared wanted to know. He really did. But he felt weird outright saying that.

Evan must've been able to tell though, because he started talking quietly to him. "Uh, you remember Jeremy, right? M-my brother. I probably shouldn't be telling you this. W-why am I telling you this? But, uh, he, uh... My mom asked me t-to wake him up... and I-I saw him-"

Evan cut himself off midsentence and stared at something. He looked shocked. Jared turned around to see what it was. He had to admit, he didn't see it coming either. Zoe had kissed Alana, and was blushing... a lot. They hadn't made out or anything. But they did kiss. On the lips. Jared knew that girls would do some weird stuff if they were close, but eh was pretty sure kissing wasn't one of those things. Definitely sure. Were they...

"Zoe?" A voice asked. It was Connor. Shit. Jared hated Connor. He kinda freaked him out. Connor was just a weird guy, and Jared wasn't really sure what to think of him. Plus, at the beginning of the school year, he was a jerk to Evan. He wasn't sure how they could be friends. Evan Hansen, the nicest, quietest guy in the school and Connor Murphy, the long-haired, almost-emo asshole.

Zoe looked uncomfortable that Connor had come over. He had probably seen it too. "Sit down, Connor," she said quickly. "Now." Connor sat down right next to Evan. Great. Now Evan would never finish his story.

"Hey Ev," Connor said quietly. It was so quiet, Jared almost didn't hear, but he was listening closely. He didn't want anything Connor said to Evan to be unnoticed. Evan smiled a little too. Why? He and Evan were best friends, right? Connor was just some random guy, right? Oh god. Why Connor Murphy of all people? "Uh, Zoe? What was that?" Connor asked, louder.

"Alana's my girlfriend, not that you would care. You didn't even ask. Too busy sneaking out to see Evan, I guess." WHAT? Connor went pale, and Evan blushed intensely. Jared was shocked about everything. That Alana and Zoe were dating. That Evan and Connor were... Well, he wasn't quite sure what they were doing, but he didn't like it.

"Since when are you two a thing?" Jared asked Alana. "Why didn't you tell us?"

Alana sighed. "Jared, we're just acquaintances. Remember? It's not like I tell you guys everything." Oh right. According to Alana, everyone was an 'acquaintance', whatever that meant. At least, everyone but Zoe.

"But you guys never hang out!" Jared pointed out.

"You mean, you guys don't hang out with us," Zoe amended. She had a point. People could be friends behind other people's backs. They could be more than friends, without anyone ever knowing. Everyone had secrets apparently. Secrets that they didn't want Jared to know.

The thought made Jared feel sick.

(A/N Ok guys! We're almost to chapter 20! You guys are so awesome thank you for all the support! I really hope you guys like it so far! As always, make sure to let me know what you think! Thanks again!)

Dear Brother: A Dear Evan Hansen x Be More Chill Stepbrothers AUWhere stories live. Discover now