02| Eminem River

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I've been a liar, been a thief, been a lover, been a cheat, all my sins need holy water, feel it washing over me, but little one, I don't wanna admit to somethin', if all it's gonna cause is pain, truth in my lies right now, are falling like the rain, so let the river run.

•|Eminem River|•

She pulled out two pistols. "What the fuck! Why do you have these?" She threw it at me, and grabbed the little bag she packed. "No time to explain, follow me." She grabbed my arm and we headed for the door.

When we opened the door, all you could see what warriors and other Savage wolves fighting."how do we go down? They will see us!" I started to panic! My chest was rapidly going up and down. "Follow me!" She grabbed my arm again! And dragged me to her room. She opened the window.

"THATS WAY TO HIGH TO JUMP!" "WELL IT'S NOT LIKE WE CAN SHIFT!" "YOU CAN'T SHIFT?!" "NEITHER CAN YOU!" "I KNOW BUT EVERYONE SAID YOU CAN!" "WELL EVERYONE LIED!" I looked out the window. "Wait we don't have to jump!" "I'm sorry but I'm only seventeen just like you, and I wanna live, unlike you!" I just rolled my eyes at that girl, and grabbed her hand.

"There are vines, that we can climb on!" I went first then she did. When we got down I could smell the fragrance again. "What are you waiting for?! Let's go!" "Lisa! Don't you smell that?!" I started pulling away. "Smell wh-..." "Wait what?" I looked over at her. Her eyes full of shock and fear. She wasn't moving. Her mouth was open.

"Are you ok?" She just took her hand and started to point behind me. I turned around and saw him. The same person who was following me. I grabbed Lisa and she eventually got the idea. I hopped the fence, but when I turned around she was being dragged off the fence. I did the next best thing after hopping the fence to save her.

I pulled out the gun. "L-let her g-go!" The gun was shaking in my hand. He just stared me in the eye. "I swear if you don't let her go! I will blow your brains out!" He chuckled. "Psh, like you could even get close to doing that. Your just a weak little pup.'' Ok I had it! Werewolves get really offended when being called a pup.

"IM GOING TO SAY THIS ONE MORE TIME! LET.....HER....GO!!" I looked over at Lisa, she was scared out of her mind. "Take your aim." He said. "Ok... 1...2...3..." *POW* I flew back, I have never shot a gun before. I landed on my ass, and hit my back on a rock.

After the smoke cleared, he was still standing there! But his arm was bleeding. I looked at Lisa and I think she passed out from being scared. He started walking towards me. Oh shit! Oh shit! Oh shit! My eyes started to water. Oh god! Please help me! Please! Before I could blink, adjusted Lisa so she was dangling over his back.

I started to back up, but I hit the fence. This is literally the end. I'm literally gonna die. Next thing I knew I was dangling over his back just like Lisa. I felt these weird Sparks! He walked out to a black car. Notice I the way I said car! Not a van but car! Really dude? Is that the best you could do? I mean a van would seem more, evil.

Oh my god!

I'm going crazy!

He threw us in the car, and I scooted closer to Lisa. "Who the hell do you think you are!?" I yelled. He just looked in the mirror. "Fuck you too!" I said rolling my eyes. Next thing I knew I was pushed into the back of the seat! THE MAN WAS BEYOND SPEEDING! HE WAS FUCKING FLYING!

"DAMM! SLOW YOUR ASS DOWN!" The car came to a quick stop. I think I just shitted myself... "SHUT THE FUCK UP! YOU LITTLE BITCH! SAY ONE MORE THING! I DARE YOU!" After that, all my insulting words were said in my head, like what I'm saying now. Bitch you can kiss my ass! You look like a reincarnated version of a damn monkey! Like bitch what type of accident was your ass in, cause I'll make sure I stay far away from it!

I was mentally smirking at myself for being funny. I'm going crazy! I saw Lisa shift in her 'sleep'. "Pst pstttt, lisaaaaaa." I wispered, and shook her up. "Argghh!" She mumbled and pushed me away. I shook her again, but this time I pulled her awake. "Leave mehhh alone!!" She yelled.

He looked back. Damnit girl! "Lisa! WAKE UP!" I decided to yell. "Huh? Mhm, w-what are you doing in my room?" The car came to a stop. "WE'RE NOT IN YOUR ROOM!" I whisper yelled. "W-what do you mean?!" She looked around, and I think she got the message, cause she started to freak out!

I looked around to see where he was, but I couldn't find him. All I could see was a huge gate, and building behind. "Lisa we need to go! Grab your gun and bag!" Thinking about the sentence I just said, made me wonder. Why didn't he take our guns?

"THE DOOR IS LOCKED!" Is she that stupid? "Just reach over to his seat, and unlock the car doors!" She FINALLY did that. When we opened up the doors to run all you could see was woods! We ran along the street, I had my gun ready to aim and shoot.

I looked down at my clothing situation. I was wearing the same exact thing! BUT WITH NIKKI'S! I almost forgot! "Lissa!" She stopped running. "What?!" "Don't we have our phones?!" "Um I have mine," she pointed to her bag. "But I don't know about yours!" "I slipped it in there! Now hand me my phone." "Oh ok."

She gave me my phone, and got out hers. "What's yours at?" Did she really just put 'at' at the end of a sentence? This girl is a lunatic! "You didn't just do that!" "Didn't just do what?" "Put 'at', at the end of a sentence!" "Girl what do you mean? You do it all the time!"


I do.

"Sorry, I'm nervous, and since I can't stress eat, I have to stress fix." I hope that made sense. "What's your phone persentage?" She looked at me when she said persentage. " Fifteen, how bout you?" "Twenty." That should be good enough right?


I tried to call someone, but I had no signal. "Does your phone how signal?" "Um no, what do we do? Where is the man? How do we get out of here? I DON'T WANNA DIE!" She was now crying. I rubbed soothing circles on her back. "W-who is that?"

I looked at her curiously. "Who is who?" Turning around I saw the man I shot, with his arm bandaged, and coming for us! "RUN!" We grabbed out stuff and took off into the woods. "What do we do now?" "Turn on your phone flashlight!" "No! He will easily find us! Just follow me!"

We climbed a tree, and sat on a branch. We heard twigs breaking in multiple directions. Emerging from the woods around us, were werewolves. Walking closer and closer to the tree.


WHY? The branch broke, and we came crashing down to the ground. "Owwwwww!" "It's ok I got you!" She dragged me to the trunk of the tree. "Grab your gun, and shoot as many down!" "But they will just heal!" "No it's Wolfsbane!" That explains why he had to put a bandage on. "Oh ok!" There was one running right at us, I shot it, and he flew to the floor.

My back hit the tree from all the force. I heard another shot, this time from the right of me. Lisa, shot another wolf. I stood up my ankle already healed. One after, one they went crashing to the ground. We finally only had one more wolf. The murderer man. I took aim, and fired. But nothing came out. " DAMNIT IM OUT!" Lissa tried shooting him. "So am I!"

He started walking towards us. "What else do you have in that bag?" "Um, um," she started. And we're screwed.

Finally posting! How'd you like it?

I'm busy I'll post soon!

Not writing a lot today.

I'll try to make a schedule!

Love you guys!

Vote if u want to!

I wasn't at least 2 votes💕

Comment plz and thx!

Eat Delicious foods!😂

Love- pink

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