04|You don't own me

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You don't own me, I'm not just one of your many toys, you don't own me, don't say I can't go with other boys~ssssss~, don't tell me what to do, and don't tell me what to say, please when I go out with you, don't put me on display, ~no~.

When I finally got Lapis to let go, she fell to the floor, limp as a noodle. I heard a tap on the cobblestone floors, and quickly turned around. I saw Lisa just standing there. Then she started to shake. In two shakes of a puppies tail, this girl was on me like 'white on right'! She was punching, and kicking, and slapping.

It really didn't hurt, I felt stinging and I tasted a little bit of blood in my mouth, but after that, nothing really. I think she figured that out because when she got up, she grabbed the chair by the small desk, and hit me upside the head. I saw a blur, and then I was out like a light.

Lisa's POV

When I walked out the bathroom, he dropped her onto the floor, and I she fell, I was about to take a step back, but he turned around. I finally started to realize that he wanted me gone to end her. He wanted her to die. My whole body started to shiver. I ran towards him and jumped onto of him.

I was punching and kicking as hard as I could, then finally, I realized he wasn't really getting hurt so I got up, and grabbed the chair next to me and hit him upside the head. He fell unconscious. "That's what you get you dirty glitch!" I think glitch sounds better than bitch, so yea.

I looked over at Kiki and ran to her side. "Kiki, are you ok? Wake up!" I carefully tapped her cheeks. I decide to get up and go get water her. I stepped over the douche bag and kicked him. When I saw him shift in his sleep, I quickly scrambled into the bathroom. I couldn't find anything except a wash cloth, so I put water on it, and make my way back to her.

I twisted the water onto her face, she moved a little, doing it again, but twisting it some more, she shot up. "PLEASE! PLEASE! IM SORRY! DON'T! DON'T HURT ME!" She quickly scooted back, and grabbed her neck. It looked raw and it was red. She must be in some pain. "It's ok! It's just me! Shhhh!" I said coming closer to her, wrapping her in a hug.

"What happened?" I asked rubbing soothing circles around her back.  "H-he strangled me... O-or he t-ried to." She said breaking down into tears. "Shhhh.....shhhh, everything is gonna be ok." I grabbed her hand and pulled her up. I pulled her into a bear hug. She hugged me back, and dug her face into my chest.

This is it.

I'm gonna do it.

She's mine.


I lifted up her chin, and I looked into her eyes. Her beautiful eyes. Brown, luscious, gorgeous eyes. I leaned in for a kiss. Our lips met. She didn't react for the most of it, and eye's stayed open, until she started to understand what was going on, and kissed me back. I was so happy. "Mmmmmm." He squirmed, and sat up.

Before you could even blink, Kiki was on the other side of the desk, pacing back and forth. "What's wrong?" She looked at me, then down at him. Next thing I knew she was on him, punching and punching. Blood spat everywhere.

And I honestly thought I was hurting him. This girl was taking it to a new level! She was probably gonna kill him! I ended up having to drag her off him. She was still kicking, and fighting until she was on the other side of the room. She stood up, wiped herself off, and went back to the other side of the desk.

I looked over at him, and he was knocked out once again. "Let's go!" She said. "What? Where?" "Oh my goodness! JUST FOLLOW ME!" Why was she being so mean? Wow getting strangled can really change a girl! When we walked out the door, there was the long hallway we walked apon, when we first came here.

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