07 Heathens

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Havana ooh nah-nah, half of my heart is in Havana ooh nah-nah, he took me back to East Atlanta nah-nah-nah, all of my heart is in Havana, there's something's bout his manners Havana ooh nah-nah, he didn't walk down with that how you doin' ~when he came i the room~, he said there's a lot of girls I can do with, ~but I can't without you~, I'm doing forever in a minute, ~last summer night in june~ papa say he got Milo in him, he got me feeling like Oooooh, I knew it when I met him, I loved him when I left him. Got me feelin' like ooooooh and then I had to tell him I had to go!


"Calm down, little feisty fox."

"Don't call me that." I mumbled. "What?" "I said, DON'T CALL ME–" before I could continue, I kicked him where the sun don't shine, and swam away, ending the sentence with "that." I turned around and he was flapping in the water like he couldn't swim.

I hurried out of the water and onto the grass. He was now swimming towards the grass. I was about to grab my clothes and run, but they slipped out my hands and into a bush. I was happy about it though. It meant he wouldn't be able to track me now.

I Looked behind me, surprisingly, he wasn't close. About five minutes later, I came across the same gate, I'd come across when I first came here. Then I came across the same voices I'd heard earlier. Except, this time they came with faces, and scary faces might I add! Backing up slowly, I tumbled into a bush!

Oh my goodness! When I say I NEARLY sharted myself, I mean if i hadn't poked my butt on a branch, I would have shit-farted all over myself cause of how scared I was when they started walking towards me. Rushing out the bush, I was greeted with eyes, all staring at me! Trying to read my deepest darkest secrets.

Well that's what it felt like anyway.

"Hi little miss." One of the taller men said. "Who are you?" The second tallest one said. "Go get the boss." Three other men left with a swift nod. I know this may sound stupid but, I attempted to push them out the way and run...

And trust me when I say this, IT HURTS TO BE SHOVED BACK INTO THE SAME BUSH YOU ALMOST SHARTED YOURSELF IN! Not only physically, but emotionally! Like damn?!?! Do you not know I'm a lady? I deserve the utmost respect!

(I tried to make myself believe that. I mean damn. I'm so mean, and rude, and bleh, sometimes, it's like, might as well as just give me the devil's job.)

Holding in my giggles, I focussed my eyes on some blurry looking things in the back. I then realized those blurry things were people. And those people were my friends. Trying to "zoom" in I took a step closer to the guards. I saw they had guards around them as well, and were being forced into the castle like place.

Nearly forgetting the guards were still there, I tried to push through them, and then again was pushed! But this time not into the bush! But next to it. "Now, we won't ask again, who are you?"

Looking up. Notice I said looking up, when I say this man was like 6'3 I mean he was a fudging GIANT! Then I looked at the other one, the taller one, he was about 6'6 or something like that. Like I'm only 5'3!

Ok, I need to be paying attention to what's happening right now. Looking up at the second giant, I told him to repeat the question. "Who are you?" He said slowly this time.

Before I could answer, The same man came walking around the bush. "What is it? Why did you–" he stopped mid sentence, and looked at me. "There you are." He said.

I swear in that situation I thought of predator and prey! I was sadly the prey. I was innocent prey. He was the "all mighty" predator. It looked like he would pounce on me at any given moment.

And of course, I was right, when I say he leaped! He leaped and tried to jump onto me! But I tried my best to quickly climb up the tall sturdy man tree. "Boss?!" One of the men behind him asked.

He turned around, gave him a look, and then it all went silent. Then out of nowhere, his eyes, came up to me. "Why are you on my mate?" I looked down at the man tree, and sure enough I saw him eyes looking straight at me. So he's gay?

Ha, I guess those sparks were a fake! "Oh...I'm sorry, I didn't know." I said, climbing down the man tree. As I was getting down, I was pulled half way off him, and into a pair of arms. Looking up, I saw the boss. "Um... I think you have the wrong person." I said.

I started pulling away. Then I started to think. My friends! They needed me! Somehow pushing my way through the guards, I took off, running in the direction I saw them.

There was a huge door, it was cracked open, and I slid through. I soon heard the door burst open and I saw the boss running after me. I noticed I was running down a hall, and decided I'd take the next available turn. Seconds later, there were a flight of stairs on the left of me.

Skipping two stairs at a time, I eventually made it to the top. This looked familiar. Very familiar. Looking around, I noticed there was another flight of stairs going high up. Then it hit me, I was going down here then I noticed Lisa wasn't with me so I went back.

Then we were caught, and they took us down this hall! Taking a right, I came across the room we were put in. I slowly opened the door, but they weren't there! I went to the next room, and I was lucky to see them.

"LISA CHLOE!" I ran to them, giving them a hug. They seemed disgusted yet surprised. "What's wrong?" I asked, taking my arms from around them. They both gave one another these looks, rolled their eyes, and scoffed. "Oh, she knows what she did!" Chloe said.

"Yeah, I do know what I did, and she knows what she said!" Lisa yelled back. "Damn right I know what I said!" "And you're damn right I know what I did!" They were now growling at one another. "Stop! Everyone stop right now!" I said taking a step in between them.

"Ok Chloe, I know she cheated, but it's ok!" I said, Chloe just looked away from me. "Taking her side now right? Like you did at dance class? Like you did this morning? Always taking her side!" I was astonished. "What do you mean?" I asked. She turned around and her face was full of tears.

"Awwwww Chloe I'm sorry!" I said giving her a hug. She hugged me back. Lisa soon joined.

It's been forever ik! I've been busy! I've been in drama! I've been BLEHHH!

I have had no inspiration in me! Idek y tho! Like I'm trying hard to write but with 5 books it kinda gets... Eh, and ik ur probably like, 5 books? Wdym 5 books? Well I'll have to explain it later! Hope u like my update.

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