03| River

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I keep, going to the river to pray, cause need, something that can wash out the pain, and God knows I'm sleeping all these demons away, but your ghost, the ghost of you, it keeps me awake.

I wanted to add the background singers so bad! But, I held back!

He started walking towards us. "What else do you have in that bag?" "Um, um," she started. And we're screwed.


"Ooooh wait!" Lisa reached into the bag and pulled out two knives. "If I can barley throw a damn football, what makes you think I will be able to throw that!" Honestly I love sports! But like sometimes I'm not good at them.

"You don't have to throw it! JUST STAB HIM!" I shook my head a simple yes. "So um how do--" "I'm doing this for you!" She ran towards, the man, he grabbed her arm, but she somehow happened to get the knife in her other hand, and stab him in the shoulder.

"Omg are you ok?!" He threw her, and she went flying! "G-go on without me." "No! Never!" I grabbed her arms and started to drag her back to the tree. It was just me. Me and my crazy... Lonely...Thoughts.

It started to fog, and I am so happy it did! Cause now, I can't see the man, and I could possibly get killed! THAT'S SO MUCH FUN!

Said NO ONE ever!

I heard a twig break. My eyes started to water. I held the knfe before me, and looked around. "Well, well, well, your little protection, is gone, and now it's just me and you." "Listen man! I don't even know who you are!" This time, I was just spat out crying.

"Ahhh!" He grabbed my arm, forcefully. "Stand up!" I just wimpered. "STAND UP!" "DIE IN A DITCH BITCH!" I stood up, and kicked his stomach. He stumbled back. I still couldn't even see. I held the knife out in front of me.

I really wish this was a sword! He started walking towards me. I reached for the bag. I could feel a couple of wrappers.

This girl, really was packing food! I moved my hand to the left of the the bag, and pulled out a pack of bullets. I closely tried to read, what it said. ' Normal, bullets. Keep away from children.' It's really specific. I mean, like it actually said normal.

I tried to quickly look for my gun, but my hair was grabbed. "Let's see if I can find a good ditch, for this bitch to die in." He totally took my thing! "Ouch! Ouch! You're hurting me!" "Nah, I'm being delicate!" I grabbed his arm, and bit down as hard as I could.

"Well I'm not being delicate bitch!" After my comback, I dashed back to the tree, in a rush to find the gun. I finally found it, and stuck the bullets in it. I turned around just in time. "GET NEAR ME BITCH I DARE YOU! I'VE SHOT YOUR ASS ONCE I CAN DO IT AGAIN!" He stopped in his tracks and chuckled.

"W-what are you laughing at?"  He just stared at me. The fog thickened down. I could fully see his face. Not gonna lie, the dude was cute! But I have my eye on someone else. Even though he has a girlfriend. Even though he says we're just friends. Even though, he calls me his sister. Even though he thinks it won't work out. Even though I told him how I feel, and he rejected me sweetly. Even though I know it won't work out. I am still crushing on him. And yes it's Xander.

It's just embarrassingly sad.

But enough about my sad love life. MY DUMBASS IS ABOUT TO BE KILLED! "Put the gun down." Did he really just say that?

I know that he didn't! He acts like this is some movie where, one minute you about to be killed, and the next the next, y'all being all friendly! THIS MOMENT ISN'T PG! IT'S DIE-G! I just stared blankly at him.

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