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All my friends are heathens take it slow, wait for them to ask you who you know, please don't make any sudden moves, you don't know the half of the abuse... Btw the last chapter was 1144 words! Sorry I was in such a rush to update I kinda forgot to add it!.

She looked nearly dead! "Chole are you ok? What happened?" She was breathing heavily, and look pale. "I-I... The... I mean... We?" Her eyes were the size of saucers! "It's ok, take it easy!" "O-okay.... The pack was...." She stopped for a second, her eyes looking straight ahead. "LISA?!" She ran towards her, opened arms. "Lisa! Oh my goodness! I thought something happened to you! I was so scared! Literally only three people survived! And they weren't even adults!

They were little kids! Ten, eleven, and stuff! They ended up escaping with me.... B-but.... They didn't make it to far..." Her eyes started to water.... Poor Chloe.... Had to witness all of the death... The screams... The cries.... Thinking of it made my eyes water.... Chloe started to burst into tears. "Chloe? I know it was horrible to see but it's ok." I said rubbing her back. "NO! NO IT ISN'T! HEATHER DIED! AND I COULDN'T SAVE HER! THEY GOT HEATHER! THEY GOT MICHEAL.... THEY GOT THEM ALL!"

I couldn't breathe... Heather... Chloe's baby sister.... Eleven years old.... I thought of how we use to do her hair, how we would play with her, we'd take her on walks, and to the park where she would play with my little brother Michael. Then I started to think of everything else she said... "Micheal?..." I asked. She looked at me, and gave me a tender warming hug.

I burst into tears. "Micheal can't be dead! No! There's no way!" I was now in a ball on the floor, tears streaming down my cheeks. Drop, after drop, after drop. My own little brother... Dead... All my fault... It's all my fault... Those words ran repeatedly through my head. "Last time I saw him.... He... He... He was inside his room, sleeping..."

My heart was crushed. I could register anything... "Don't lie to me! He's not dead! He can't be! He was sleep! He... He just can't be dead... My last piece of family... Gone... I didn't say goodbye... The last thing I said to him was.... 'I can't even stand you anymore! Why don't you just go away and never come back? You're so useless!'...." It went quiet.

"W-why did you say that?" Lisa asked. "He... He was in my room, I was in the shower and I walked out, my room was a mess, my glass figurines that.... That my... D-dad...." I stopped. Think of mommy and daddy... I couldn't.

It was my fault... They shouldn't have died... I should have just listened... If I just followed them... And I didn't worry about him. I shouldn't have been foolish... I should of just ran, but I didn't, mommy and daddy were killed... I was left with my little brother in a bush... He had just turned 6... I was 12... The screams... The cries... The vicious howls of the rogues...

I stopped myself from going any further. The thought of it all made me wanna cry. I looked up and saw everyone was staring at me. I soon remembered where we were, and got curious of how they hadn't caught us yet. "Where are they?" I asked. "We don't know."

Looking around, I saw nothing, it was quiet, the sky was bright, everything seemed to be in peace with one another. Getting off my knees, and wiping myself off, I started walking. Not knowing where I was going, I just kept walking.

I hoped they wouldn't come after me. I sped up my pace, and looked back. They were walking behind me. I started to jog. I heard more than my footsteps. I started running, and I took a sharp turn. They followed behind me, picking up my paste, I was running at my werewolf speed.

Well highest speed, I'm not fully developed, so running at my full speed will have to wait for my development. If it ever happens. I looked behind me, and saw Chloe had fell. Guilt washed over my body. I wanted to go back and help her so badly but I needed to get away. I couldn't face them right now. Probably... Maybe... Later...

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