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Please be aware that this book is for MATURE people. So plz if you are under the age of 12....BEWARE! THERE ARE "Bad words" But I won't go into detail!

IF U STILL DONT KNOW WHAT IT MEANS! THEN JUST CONTINUE ON READING AND YOU WILL FIND OUT! {+13} you may also be 12, cuz some 12 yr olds know a lot. Lol... Plz don't copywrite!

I work hard on my stories! I have another one called ~Lost in "Love"~ check it out. If you don't want to.... THEN DONT...

Btw hate it welcomed! Also if you think I should edit something! You can dm or just say!

I at least want 2 votes on the up coming chapter.... Lol....

Well let me shut my mouth!  Have fun reading! Vote~ comment~ eat Delicious food😂....


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