01| Bad at love

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I'm bad at loveeee, ~oh-oh~,  but you can't blame me for trying, you know I be lying, sayin' you were the one, ~oh-oh~, that could probably fix me, lookin' at my history, I'm bad at loveeee.



"Nooo, leave me alone!" I kicked her off the bed and shoved my face further in my pillow.

"Owww!" I peeked from under the pillow, to see if she was ok, but she wasn't there.

"Chloe?" I sat up. "CHLOE?" I got out of bed and looked out the door, she wasn't there either. I went and sat on my bed. "Ahhhhhh!" Someone had grabbed my ankle.

"Ow! Ow! Ow! Stop kicking!" I heard a voice say. I got my ankle free, and Chloe climbed from under the bed. "Oh sorry.... NOT! You scared the living day lights out of me!" Chloe is my best friend! She is a psycho bitch, who I love TO DEATH.

"That's what you get! Now come on!" Chloe grabbed my arm, shoved me into the bathroom. "GET READY!" She yelled at me, and threw clothes at my face.

"But I don't wanna wear this!" I said stomping my feet like a 2 year old. "Oh my goodness! JUST GET READY!" She said closing the door.


"Why did you pick this outfit?!" "Cause, I thought it looked cute, and now we are twinning!" I was wearing a black skirt, and a white crop top, with some black flats. She was wearing the same thing opposite colors though. "You know I don't like wearing skirts to school! OR anywhere! And I dont even own skirts!"

"Oh, cause that's mine." I just rolled my eyes, and started to dig in my locker. "You coming?" "Hold up, let me clean my locker a bit."

For some reason, the shit is always messy! But when you look over at Chloe's, it's AMAZING! Like, can I get a locker like that?

"Hey guys!" "Hey Xander!"
Of course I jumped on his back while yelling, "FASTER HORSEY!" while pointing towards Chloe.

"You weigh a lot! But you're skinny!" "Thank you, it's a gift." I laughed. I think the only reason he says that is cause, he is short! And I am tall. Well taller than him by like 2 or 3 inches.

But that counts, right?


"So how are you and Lisa?" I wiggled my eyebrows at Chloe. "Oh shut up!" Her face turned a pinkish colour. I forgot if she was bi or lez. But I literally love her girlfriend or soon to be anyway!

"You know what." She began. "We would be better if she didn't always yap about you." I honestly thought we made it clear about how Lisa didn't like me though. I mean she is pretty and all but, I'm just not interested. And I mean like, not interested in girls. But to be honest! If I was, I would have been started dating her, she is cute as fuck.

"It's fine! Y'all are basically already dating, you know that right?" She scoffed. "LOVE YOU TOO, CHLOE BABY!" She punched my shoulder and started giving shy waves to the people around that heard.



"NO! NO! NO! It's two steps forward, one step back!" "You know I don't dance that fancy stuff!" "Chloe! Just do what I do! See now you can add your ass!" "Oh! Oh ok! This makes a lot of sense now!" She said sarcastically. Why is she is so difficult?! All we have to do is mix the dance from like how long ago, with today's dancing!

"It's a romantic twist! So we get freaky but classy!" I protested."it's blah blah blah twist. Cause I just wanna be freaky!" Chloe mocked me. "It's not my fault you have no groove!" "Girl I got groove!" "That's not what she said!" She stared at me with these dirty looks. After that dance class went pretty.... HORRIBLE! She didn't cooperate with me at all!

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