05| I hate you I love you

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It hurts me every time I see you, realize how much I need you, I hate you, I love you, I hate that I love you, don't want to, but I can't put nobody else above you, I hate you, I love you, I hate that I want you, you want her, you need her, and I'll never be her.

When we were in the small little dungeon like room, me and my mate kept snuggly in the corner."mate?" I asked. "Yes?" "What's your name?" Right when I said that, Kiki looked right at me. "WAIT WHAT? So you're telling me that you don't even know his name and you're basically dating him?!" She was practically yelling. "Well I'm sorry Mr. Mate Patrol but when he was getting ready to tell me, I believe you burst in like a fucking lunatic, and started yelling!"

She rolled her eyes at me, and went back to looking at the door. "Now can you please tell me your name?" I begged. "Yes, my name is Alex Baker." I snuggled deeper into his side. Who would have thought I would end up like this?

Kiki's POV

This girl actually had the fucking nerves to leave me for some mate! I mean GIRL! What happened to Chloe? I thought you liked girls! I know like an hour ago, you were fucking kissing me!

I'm so fucking pissed right now! I almost fucking died! And she was  over there, while we could have been fucking escaping. I heard a bird, and then turned around. The window was pretty big! And we were probably like only five feet off the ground at this point! The other room, we were like twenty feet in the air!

"Pst! Pst! Lisa!" She was now sleeping with her mate. "Pstttttt!" Her mate was sleeping, and the other dude was just tending to his own. Lisa opened her eyes, and looked at me. "What?" "we can escape! Let's go!" I tried grabbing her arm, but she pulled away.

"What about Alex?" I know she just didn't ask that! The girl just met him and she's worrying about him! "Ugh! Oh my God! JUST BRING HIM WITH US!" I literally forced myself to say those words! "Yay!" She jumped up and hugged me. Which woke Alex up. "W-whats going on?"

I didn't even want to hear his voice. Lisa grabbed his hand and walked over to the window with him. I literally swear! He jumped out first, and then caught her wedding style when she jumped out. Right when I was about to jump, I turned around. A wave of guilt washed over me.

I couldn't just leave him like this. "Pst! Pst! Hey!" It looked like he was sleeping, which explains why he didn't looked back for anything. I shook him a little. He stirred in his sleep, and his eyes shot open. "Follow me." I whispered. He didn't pause, or anything, he just followed me. I told him to jump first and he gave me the kindest smile.

When I finally got onto the window seal, the door flew open. "HEY!" He yelled. Without looking back I quickly jumped. I realized that everything landed in front of the thorn bush, and that I was gonna end up landing on it. Before I could hit the bush, someone grabbed me, put me on there back, jumped off the wall, and made it to the ground safely.

I was astonished. "What are you?" I asked him. "My name is DeAndre, and I'm a werewolf—" I had to cut him off! There was no way in hell, he was a fucking werewolf! When were we able to do that? "You can't be! Werewolves can only do certain things!" "If you would let me finish," he started. "I am a werewolf, and a vampire. My mom was a vampire and my dad was a werewolf. For some reason the moon goddess put them as mate's, and they had me."

I just stood there. Wide eyed. "And I think I've found my mate."  "Hmm?" I said looking at him. He walked towards me. "Hello beautiful." HELL NO! HELL NO! I DON'T CARE HOW GOOD HE LOOKS! I AM NOT INVOLVING MYSELF IN THIS CRAP!

I decided to be peaceful and say, "Un excuse me?" I looked blankly at him. "You're my mate." He said that like it was nothing! HOW IN HELLS WORTH IS THIS NOTHING? "And you know this how?" "Well when you were falling, something told me to catch you, and when I caught you i felt sparks, and when you feel sparks it means you have found your self a mate."

"NO IT DOESN'T! WE HAVE NO PROOF!" "I can help with that theory!" Lisa yelled. "What?" I asked. "Ok go ahead." DeAndre said. Bro I swear I'm being set up! Lisa walked up to DeAndre and pulled him down to where they were eye level. She leaned in a kissed him!

My heart. It felt like a million knives we're being thrown at my heart. I clenched my chest. I looked over at Alex, and he was doing the same exact thing! I walked up to them and torn them apart. "MINE!" I yelled, hugging DeAndre. This time I actually felt the sparks! And then I started thinking! I felt sparks with, the man when he grabbed onto me!

"Is it possible to have more than one mate?" I asked, a little hesitant. "Um yea, actually you have have up to like four I think it is different types of mates." I nearly flew back with that information! I have two mates! Two! Not one! But two! How? Why? No!

Speak of the devil! He walked out the door, with a whole bunch of different people! We took off running! In less that ten seconds DeAndre and Alex were shifted! "SHIFT!" "WE CAN'T!" We both said. I ended up having to get onto DeAndre's back, and Lisa on Alex. We were running through the woods when we heard weird noises. "What's that noise?" "I don't know." 

We looked around a bit.  I heard what sounded like, panting? "It sounds like panting!" Lisa said. "Yea, but do you think it is from one of the warriors, or something?" "No, cause they would have been tried to catch us!" We heard it again. "OMG! WHAT'S THAT?" I yelled, moving behind Lisa. It was a limping... Well I don't even know what it was.

"H-help!" It said. The voice sounded awfully familiar! "C-chloe?" I asked, moving from behind Lisa. I walked closer and closer, until a girl with the same outfit I have on, ( well use to have on, now it's just half on half off!) appeared out of the woods. "Chloe!" I yelled and ran towards her. "What happened what's wrong?" She looked dead.


Ok her name is off changed to Kristal!




I love y'all so much!


#1- popcorn or chocolate?

#2- whats ur favorite type of chocolate?

#3- fave candy?

#4- cure world hunger or cancer?

#5- what's your type?

#6- what do u think of the book?

{ Ok so the chapter I'm gonna post on Lost in "love" is gonna be half done, cuz I need to get it posted before it's to late!}

Love you guys!

LOVE-Pink xoxo 💕

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