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Genesis chapter 1-3

The greatest being in life. Larger and greater than everything. The sun, the moon, the stars and everything else obey him. What do you expect, he did make them all.

You may be wondering, who is this being. Well, his name is Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. The omnipotent, the omnipresent, the omniscient.

His name is God.

He was the first to exist and when he was, everything was without shape and void. Darkness surrounded everywhere.

So, the first thing he made was light. That was the first day.

On the second, he separated the waters to form the clouds and the seas.

On the third, he separated the water and derived land. He brought vegetation onto this land.

On the fourth he made the sun to bright up in the day and the moon to illuminate in the night.

On the fifth, he created the sea creatures, both great and small. He also made the birds of the air in different sizes and shapes.

On the sixth day, he created all the species of animals and then, his favourite creation, man.

Man was made in his image and likeness, from mud and his breath of life. He named this man Adam.

Now, on the seventh day after seeing that all his work was good, he finally rested.

Adam gave names to all the animals, but God knew he was alone, so he cast a deep sleep on Adam and took one of his ribs and made his companion, which Adam named woman, because she was taken out of man. Eve was given to her as a name.

God allowed them eat of all the fruits of the trees in the garden, the garden of Eden, but he forbade them to eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil.


On an unfortunate day, when Eve was alone, a serpent came to her and compelled her to eat the forbidden fruit.

She gave in and ate of it and gave her husband, Adam to eat and he did.

Then, their eyes opened and they realized they were naked. When they heard the sound of God coming close, they hid themselves, but it was inevitable, he had to find out.

With anger, God cursed them all. He cursed the woman to deliver in pain and man to toil for food.

He cursed the serpent to walk on his belly and he cursed it and man to be enemies.

God drove them out of the garden, after clothing them, never to return again and placed a flaming sword, which turned everyway to guard the tree of life.

This is how sin came into the world.

So what do you think? Comment, vote, share and remember, you can always go back to your bible to clarify. Till next time 😃✋

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