Part 1: Meeting The Bad Boy

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(Meeting The Bad Boy)

Avalon's P.O.V

I listen to my heart beat as it thumps loudly in my ears.

The clock is slowly ticking and it's exactly two minutes before the teacher dismisses us to go to lunch.

And then I'll have to face him.

My oh so lovely boyfriend.

I drum my fingers on the desk and breathe in slowly as the teacher announces the end of class.

Standing up, I grab my bag and put everything inside of it, making my way to the door.

Once I step out of the classroom, someone instantly throws their arm around my shoulder.

I attempt to shrug them off but it's clear that they don't intend to move anytime soon.

"Hey babe, you're coming to my party later" Ryder states and hugs me close.

I hate parties.

"I have to help my mom out at the restaurant" I lie and look away from him.

"That's a fucking lie. Whenever you lie, you look away. " He growls while smiling, trying to make it look like he's not angry, because we can't ruin his reputation of being the perfect boyfriend.


"Y-you will come" He taunts and drags me to the cafeteria.

Why haven't I broken up with him yet?

Oh right.

In freshman year I had my eyes on him, and at the time I only saw him as the hot quarter back who was smart.

But after I became his girlfriend..... He became abusive and threatened that if I were to try breaking up with him again, he'd do much worse than hitting and yelling at me.

I wanted to cry when he said that.

But I didn't. I need to stay strong.

The sad feeling in my chest just keeps growing....

I can't have friends because he's way to overprotective and the only people he let's around me are his football teammates.

Which by the way, none of them are any better than him.

When people see me, they think I'm just an antisocial freak who chooses to seclude herself from everyone, but I'm not.

The whole student body decides that I am.

I sit down at the lunch table we've occupied for the past three years, and I wait for him to get up so we can go get food.

I can't leave his side or he gets angry.

He finally gets up and I trail behind him like a lost puppy.

So much for not leaving his side.

We quickly grab some of the sandwiches and sit down again.

"Hey Avalon, you gonna eat that? " One of Ryder's friends, Jace, asks me.

"Yea-" I'm cut off again.

"Of course she isn't, go ahead" Ryder laughs and pushes my sandwich over to Jace who eagerly eats it.

Ryder gives me a warning look and I longingly look at my sandwich that's being currently devoured.

Well, I'm used to it by now.

Ryder wants me to remain skinny.

Eating to much is a huge turn off he says.

I never knew why Ryder wanted to date me but he always insisted it was because he's deeply in love with me.

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