Part 16: Date?

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Look. I got a new kitten. Now read my story.

(Part 16: Date?)

(Avalon's P.O.V)

"I'm just saying, I may be gay but he's hot." Zahbia glares at her best friend, Fred, as he tries to kill her mood.

"But you don't even swing that way" He says while smacking his gum.

"I don't fuck shoes but I can't still tell when a pair looks nice" She shakes her head at him as they glance at the new foreign exchange student in our class.

"Guys. Please, I'm trying to learn here" I sigh and run my hands through my hair.

After the events of yesterday, I've pretty much assumed that nothing normal can come from this school.

I spot some of the druggies talking to the new kid and he seems to be nodding in understanding.

Yeah, I'll give him about a week before he scrambles to a different school.

The dismissal bell goes off, piercing through the voices of students, and signalling our leave.

I pack my stuff up and Zahbia walks out of the class with me, straightening her hijab and sending a wave to Fred.

"I heard they're serving chili today" Zahbia chirps from beside me and a look of excitement crosses her face.

"Yeah, if only I liked chili" I sigh as we walk into the cafeteria.

"Jokes on you. Bye, I'm going to go see... A friend " Leaving just like that, she waves me off and walks in the direction of out table, everyone waving at her profusely.

I'd walk with her, but I've been prolonging the moment I'd have to confront Xavier seeing as he's back.

I mean..... After that semi- intimate kiss, what would I call us?


Absolutely nothing.

Why you ask? Because it was only a kiss. He'd have to ask me out or vise versa if we were to become anything.

Of course I have about as much guts as a skeleton seeing how my life has been for the past 3 years.

I spot him at the table with everyone else and it's probably for the best he hasn't seen me yet.

I could always confront him first.

Our table has grown throughout the year, now seating around 6 people.

Stephen, Me, Xavier, Lillith, Tracey, and Zahbia.

Lillith is the newest addition to our group.

I suck up the fear and march over to them, not wanting to get any food today, chili makes me sick.

I watch as Lillith's face lights up and she waves me closer.

I sit down and avoid eye contact with Xavier on purpose, although I feel his gaze burning through my head.

"Hi! " Lillith starts before carefully handing me a pink envelope with puppy stickers on the outside.

"What's this? " I carefully examine the neat handwriting scrolled across the back and the corgi's with their tongues out.

"I'm having a slumber party! It's one of my first so I didn't really know how to approach you guys on asking... I-I was up all night making these! " She blushes slightly in embarrassment and looks down.

I look at her in slightly surprise.

I haven't been invited to anything like this since middle school, seeing as Ryder would never let me.

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