Part 8: The Fight (part two)

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(The Fight (part two))

Avalon's P.O.V

I watch as the man stalks off and Xavier turns towards me.

"I have to get into the ring, stay with Stephen and stay away from that boy. Got it? " His face was stone cold but I could sense worry in his voice.

I nod "that's probably for the best, he's freaky" I glance back at the now empty corridor.

"He's just being petty because I beat his ass in the ring" Xavier flexes and winks jokingly.

"Oh wowe" I say while pretending to swoon.

"I know, I'm as hot as an oven at 450°" He smirks.

I roll my eyes "whatever helps you sleep at night" I pat his arm and he just grins before guiding us back over to the crowd of cheering people and making me sit next to Stephen.

"Watch her please" Xavier asks Stephen while glancing at me.

He then turns towards me "and Goldi, please stay out of that one boys way, I don't have time to jump out of the ring to save your small ass" He narrows his eyes.

"Her ass isn't small" Stephen states while bending a little and examining my rear end from my seated position.

I scowl and slap his arm.

"Dude stop staring at her ass" Xavier frowns.

"Why, you jealous? " Stephen teases.

"Me? Jealous? I knew you were insane, that's not a possibility with me. now if you don't mind, I'll be leaving" He glances at us one more time before leaving.

I sigh and turn towards Stephen who has a sad expression on his face as he rubs his stomach.

"I know Xaviers gonna kill me if he knew I left you to get food, so want to get food with me? " He asks in hope.

I bite my lip and watch as the announcer calls out the first match between Xavier and someone named Chanlem Roxet.

I'm weirder out at Xavier's lack of a boxing name, what if the cops find out about this secret boxing ring and someone rats on him....

I look at Stephen then back at Xavier.

"Nah, I want to see this round" I smile softly and he nods.

"Well then...... I'll wait. Can't have you getting killed" He sits down and lays his arm across the back of my chair and another seat.

"Ooo look at my sexy baby all grown up" Stephen wipes away a fake tear as he watches Xavier walk into the ring.

I gasp as a buff dude walks on and glares around at everyone.

He'll kill him.

The cheers get louder and I cover my ears.

His eyes graze through everyone slowly and as they land on me I shiver in fear as my gray eyes stare into his cold blue ones.

He just stops, squinting at me slightly then turning back towards the announcer to pay attention to what he's saying.

I quickly glance at Stephen to see if he saw the awkward eye exchange, but he's cheering loudly for Xavier.

I sigh, ignoring it and paying attention.

The announcer leaves and Xavier and the man size each other up, in fighting position.

A bell gongs.

Then Xavier swings.

I shouldn't say swing.

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