Part 19: Slumber Party From Hell pt.2

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(Part 19: Slumber Party From Hell pt. 2)

(Avalon's P.O.V)

"Yep that's the one" I hear as I groggily open my eyes.

"Yeah, she's a pest, take her" A female voice comes next and I open my eyes fully, trying to adjust them to the bright light shining on me.

"Ooo she's awake! " The girls voice whom a recognize as Lillith's, chirps.

"Shut your trap, you're so obnoxious" The male voice grunts.

I try to shade my eyes with my hands so I can see who else is there, but I'm pleasantly surprised when I'm still tied up.

The light clicks off, much to my pained eyes gratitude, and I squint at the male, trying to avoid the dot that follows my sight from the light.


That's right.

"As I was saying, there's always the black market."

I sit up straight, tired and scared but not wanting to die"I will not be sold on the black market. "

Gage looks at me with amusement "I wasn't talking about you, I have special plans there" He chortles and I cringe in embarrassment.

"Just take her" Lillith waves him off "it's almost morning and I'm sure Xavier will be making another visit,  searching for his precious little goldi."

She snarls out the last part before throwing back on a chirpy smile.

It's actually getting kinda creepy.

"Whatever" He growls and unties my legs and arms, quickly trying to grab me before I escape.

Of course, I'm a full on champion and I dodge his grab, flying out the door, towards freedom.

No-that's a lie, I failed gym class for a reason.

I dodge his grab and then manage to run a couple feet before tripping and falling.

Yeah, at least I didn't make up the dodge right?

"You little shit" He hisses before gagging my mouth and throwing me over his shoulder.

"Kinky" Lillith says before falling into fits of laughter.

"You're a bitch too" He growls at her.

Lillith gives a tiny wave, uttering a small "toodles" And then I'm out the door.

~ ~ ~ ~

I basically thrown onto a beige couch, having been tied again, I don't want to try my chances at running just yet.

"No moving, I'll have a babysitter over here soon" He mutters before walking out of the room.


I roll my eyes in annoyance before edging myself of the couch and barrel rolling towards the door we entered.

I try to untie my feet but they're too tightly bound and my tied hands aren't helping.

"God you suck at that" I gasp through the mouth gag and spin around as best as I can, spotting a tale male with beach blond hair and a scar running from one eye, down to his chin, following his jaw line.

And to top it all off, he's wearing an upside down cross, and all black clothing, as well as black eyes.

Not today Satan.

I roll past him quickly in the barrel roll motion I've been using since I've been tied up, and I hide on the other side of the couch.

He leisurely strolls over and takes off the gag so I can speak.

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