Part 7: The Fight (part one)

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(The Fight (part one))

Avalon's P.O.V

I clutched tightly to Xavier as he swiftly swiveled through cars.

"I know you're mad, just don't try to kill me! " I screech as he makes another sharp turn and suddenly stops.

I regain my breathing and pry my clammy fingers from his jacket as he turns off the engine.

"We're here. " He states, not paying any mind to me.

I look up at the the sign that reads, Arcade, and a grin spreads across my face.

It feel a so much better not having Ryder watching over my shoulder 24/7, so now I can freely have fun.

I walk to the doors with Xavier angrily pouting as if to get his point across that he's upset.

"Heaven forbid dude! " I throw my hands in the air and turn around, crossing my arms at a dark and looming Xavier.

"What? " He growls.

"That's what I want to know! What's the problem?? " I snap back.

He just glares at me and doesn't move.

"Forget everything he said to you. " He narrows his eyes.

"Make me." I narrow mine as well.

"Don't say that." He clenches his jaw.

"Make me. " I taunt.

"Fucking......" He picks me up and throws me over his shoulder.

"Put me down!" I demand, slapping his back.

"Make me" He mimics in a girly voice and starts walking, only to be called by a random person.

"Xavier! " The boy runs up to us from behind Xavier and gives me a weird look.

I look away in embarrassment and with a bit of struggle, cross my arms.

"Who's the chick? " The boy asks, eyeing me again.

"What do you want Avery? " He questions the boy, successfully dodging the question.

"I wanted to know when you're going to be back in the ring? Aren't you fighting that one dude tonight" He snaps his fingers as if thinking.

"Chanlem something?.... "

This peaks my interest and I lift my head up slightly, wanting to hear more.

"Asswipe. Who goes around saying that shit? " Xavier sighs.

"Me." Avery simply responds.

"Also, ditch the girl, unless you want Gage to see her, because he'll be here tonight as well."

"Damn it you little shit, you think I'd bring her to the arena?? "

"You hurt me... " Avery sighs and put a a hand over his heart.

"Who knows, I heard a story of how Gage's dad, Quin something, was a huge fan of kidnapping.... If you don't leave the girl, he'll see your attachment to her and get her, because like father like son. " Avery shrugs.

"I don't have attachments to her." Xavier sighs and sets me down.

"I'm only with her so I can protect her from her ex boyfriend.... Who at this point is gone, so we're good." Xavier bites his lip and looks at me briefly.

I don't respond.

He's right.

There's no need for any strings to be between us.

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