Part 11: It's Never Really Over

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(It's Never Really Over)

Avalon's P.O.V

After class I walk with Ryder over to the lunch table we've occupied for four years and silently pray not to have to do much communication.

I faintly see Tracey and Zahbia giving me a weird look from the corner of my eye, yet I ignore them.

We sit down and Jace looks at me, frowning visibily, "Ava.... Long time no see... "

I look away from him, "yeah I guess.... "

Do they all just rehearse the same lines???

"Yeah, she was being disobedient" Ryder laughs as if its a joke but I can hear the anger hidden in his voice.

My mind wanders off to Xavier,  making me wonder if he's doing better.

Someone grips my shoulder and I flinch, turning towards them.

Ryder glares at me and I give him a sheepish smile.

"I've been talking to you, pay attention" He growls.

He let's out an upset sigh loosening his grip on my shoulder.

"You're coming over after school." He states and I freeze slightly.

I'm supposed to be back at the apartment later.......

Ryder's most likely going to try something.

"No thank you" I say with confidence.

He guffaws "it wasn't a question Goldi" He smirks, causing me to frown slightly at the feeling of anger building up in the pit of my stomach.

Don't do anything you'll regret, I remind myself and nod at Ryder.

He turns towards Jace and the others, "hey guys, extend his hospital stay" Ryder whispers, yet loud enough for me to hear, as if he's doing it in purpose.

No doubt he is.

I gasp and my eyes widen,  "No!" I whisper quickly to Ryder.

He raises an eyebrow at me "okay.... His life is in your hands, don't screw up. Remember we're still dating. "

I stiffly nod and smile as if he told me how much he cares about me, which is pretty doubtful.

I guess I'll have to act my way through this.

He smiles in triumph and my eyebrow twitches.

"Hey bro, can I borrow your girlfriend for a second, I need her help on something" One of Ryder's less-talkative friends asks him.

Ryder waves him off "I don't fucking care. "

Well don't I feel like an actual human being.

Hesitantly standing up, I follow the boy out of the lunchroom.

Once we're out he stops and gives me a sad look.

"Sorry Ryder's such a prick" He sheepishly rubs the back of his neck and my eyebrows raise in shock.

"You don't like him? " I ask with slight hope.

"I never said that..... Well, yeah I don't anymore... But he used to be so nice in middle school, I don't know what happened... " He frowns and leans against the wall.

Nodding, I sigh and cross my arms "you wanted something? "

He laughs "you looked upset and uncomfortable so I decided to get you out of there. "

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