Part 9: Go Out With Me?

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(Go Out With Me?)

Avalon's P.O.V

I stare at my mom in fear, knowing I'll need to explain fast.

Parents don't give you long when they're so mad that they say your whole name.

"I can explain! There was I break in! " I gasp out.

Obviously this explanation made everything worse because she starts hyperventilating.

"Break in??? Oh my God are you okay?? Are my belongings okay??? " She cries.

"I'm fine! " I assure her as the boys sit there awkwardly.

My mom frowns and looks at me dead in the eye.

"They didn't harm you? "

My eyes widen.

"Miss Jones, you're clearly in a state of panic, please take a seat" Xavier picks up a chair and guides her to it.

She sits down and looks at both him and Stephen.

"Who are you? " She says, out of breath from panicking.

"We're friends of your daughter and she was with us, don't worry, we were getting pretzels so the intruder didn't harm her" He assures my mom and she slowly calms down.

"Oh hunny I'm so sorry" She sobs while Xavier awkwardly pats her shoulder.

"I didn't realize how unsafe this house was" She sobs again.

"Mom no it's okay really-"

"No it's not! It's terrible" She cries out.

Heaven forbid.

"Miss Jones..... I know a safe place your daughter could stay" Xavier grins at me.

My mom looks up in confusion, "why the hell would she need another place to stay? "

My eyes widen in shock, it's quite rare for my mother to swear.

"You see, up in her room someone left some disturbing messages and well... The person who left them may as well have hurt her if she were here.... " Xavier trailed off.

"Messages? " My mother gasps and walks upstairs quickly, us falling behind her.

She enters my room and gasps at the mess and then double takes when she spots the messages on the wall.

"You didn't say they were on the wall! " She hisses.

"That seemed pretty irrelevant, actually I didn't say anything, Xavier did" I put the blame on him.

"This is horrible" She wails whilst hugging me tightly.

"Mom, you're killing me" I wheeze as she squeezes me.

"What if they come back! " She gasps.

"They will" Xavier butts in.

Oh that's so unneeded.

I glare at him, receiving only a small grin.

"I'll send you off to grandmas for a week or so. That'll do! " She exclaims.

My eyes widen in protest "she's scary! Her whole house is filled with dolls that look like they belong in horror films! "

"Well what do you expect me to do! " She argues back.

"She can stay with me-"

"Your opinion is invalid Avery" She shushes Xavier and he frowns.

"Excuse me ma'am, I have an option" Stephen speaks up.

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