Part 10: A Horrible Accident

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(A Horrible Accident)

Xavier's P.O.V

I wake up with a jolt when I hear a sudden scream and I run to Goldi's room, in blind panic.

I throw open the door and feel a wave of confusion sweep over me as I realize no one's killing her.

Actually, she looks like she's asleep.

I sit beside her on the bed and shake her shoulders a bit, in attempt to wake her up from what I'm assuming is a nightmare.

Her eyes shoot open and fear is strikingly evident in them.

"Goldi, you're okay, what happened? " I sooth while smoothing her hair back.

She takes a breath and looks around, still waking up.

"Nightmare" She says quietly.

"Are you okay? " I question while sitting next to her small body.

"Yeah..... I'm fine" She let's out a weak grin.

"Do you want anything? Water? " I start to stand up but she pulls me back down by the hand.

"Don't leave me" She whispers quietly.

In any other case this would be freaky because she whispered it, but I can't seem to think of her as scary.

"Oh uh sure" I awkwardly sit down fully, not knowing what to do.

"Lay down you loser" She chuckles and I have to hold back my usual flirty remark.

I nod and lay down next to her, slightly surprised by how comfortable this bed is.

Before I know it, I find myself snuggled under the covers as well, yet we keep a respectful distance between us.

And I slowly let the darkness consume me.

~ ~ ~ ~

I wake up to an annoying beeping sound and a strong need to pee.

I realize that the beeping is coming from the bedside table and I quickly shut it off.

She must have set that alarm.

Speaking of Goldi, at the moment she's snuggled as close as possible to me and I'm in a very uncomfortable position.

You know, like when you have a cat on you but you need to get into a more comfortable position but the cats to precious to move?

That's Goldi.

Goldi's the cat.

I groan slightly, having to pee and she stirs in her sleep making me stop mid stretch and stare at her wide eyed.

Her eyes slowly open and she stares at me as I awkwardly half stretch and give a half smile.

"Good morning" I ruffle her hair and her face slightly tints pink.

"Oh" She says then stands up and walk s to the bathroom.

I frown "Goddammit woman, you'd better hurry because I need to piss." I call out.

~ ~ ~ ~

Avalon's P.O.V

We leave the small apartment and Xavier locks the door, not wanting a thief.

He opens the car door for me but as I'm about to get in, I spot a small dog on the road.

And a car is speeding towards it, oblivious to the small creature.

I gasp and run to it, going as fast as my legs will let me.

At this point the car is extremely close but I see through the windshield that the woman is looking at her phone.

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