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In a small, secluded part of her mind, Chaerin believed in the existence of angels (and also, possibly, unicorns), but there had been no evidence to ascertain that notion, not until this moment when she laid eyes on the fantastic specimen before her.

Giant eyes appraised her quizzically, followed by a sharp nose and pretty pink lips parted in surprise over too big front teeth. Fluffy, chestnut hair framed his boyishly handsome face, and the DSLR camera slung casually around his neck complimented his tanned skin. However, despite his cherubic features, the fabric of his loose white hoodie failed to hide his evidently well built figure, while his long legs shuffled awkwardly in his skin tight jeans.

At that precise moment, sunlight penetrated the dense clouds, the diffused golden rays illuminating the stranger from behind, giving the impression that he was actually glowing like an angel. Frankly, he could had been dressed in nothing but a ratty loincloth (okay, so Chaerin may had been a wee bit thirsty) and still, in Chaerin's starstruck eyes, he would be nothing short of a living, breathing miracle of genetic coding.

It was only when Taehyung whooped appreciatively did she snap out of his reverie: She'd been clasping the stranger's arm and gaping like a moron for the past half minute, still clutching her poop-stained shirt.

"I—uhhhhhh-um—" Chaerin blundered, jerking away her hand as if she'd been scalded. Her cheeks burned uncomfortably. "I-I'm sor—"

The (super tall and super buff) camera-clutching cherub merely stared down at her, looking adorably mortified, his beautiful mouth moving soundlessly. Embarrassed, he gave an almost imperceptible shake of his head and scuttled away, melding into the crowd without a backward glance.

"So..." Taehyung crooned suddenly, sounding very smug. "Do you still want to go home?"

His sister remained rooted to the spot, still dazed and disorientated. "Are you kidding me? That was the single, hottest guy I've met in my life, and I managed to make myself look like an idiot. "

"Hey! But I'm super ho—"

She whipped her head around to face him, her gaze blazing with a fire as hot as the one ignited in her heart.

"YOU," she stabbed a finger at his chest, "Look like a stick-man next to that guy."

Taehyung, mouth half open in protest, ultimately decided that this was one battle he was not going to win, as his mercurial sibling had already turned her thoughts back to the gorgeous stranger.

"But oh my god, oppa... his hoodie was sooooooooooo soft," she gushed, "I just want to nuzzle my face into it forever and ever and ever!"

Taehyung's eyebrows waggled up and down ridiculously. "More like you want to nuzzle your way into his heart—"

But Chaerin, with a pompous declaration that she must 'get a better view', was already weaving through the horde of people, racing to catch up to her retreating angel. Navigating the labyrinth of bright orange tents with their exquisite display of trinkets and exotic wares, she was slowly catching up to the mop of brown hair bobbing amidst the crowd of other light-haired foreigners. However, her determined will was swiftly shattered by a rich, delicious aroma of fried fish wafting from a nearby stall, invading her senses and distracting his mind.

Her feet skidded to halt, all thoughts of the camera clutching cherub momentarily forgotten at the array of mouth-watering delicacies before her. A signboard boasting reindeer burgers and moose meat pies in flashing neon letters (it took Chaerin a while to decipher and fathom this as the words were in English) and the sight of foot-long venison sausages were enough to make her gulp back the saliva that was beginning to dribble down the sides of her mouth. She traced the irresistible smell to a heap of small fishes, piping hot and fried to golden brown perfection. Using her limited command of English, she learned that this dish was called Muikku.

Her stomach growled loudly in response — She was famished. Some smatterings of broken English and lots of exaggerated hand gestures later, Chaerin finally managed to purchase a hearty portion of Muikku from the patient shopkeeper, who advised her to 'mind the gulls'.

"Huh?" she said through a mouthful of fish.

"They love Muikku too."

As if on cue, a piercing squawk sounded behind her. 


If you all were wondering what on earth Muikku is, it's a Finnish delicacy and it's actually friend vendaces, a type of freshwater whitefish. They're really small and really yummy, I ate a bunch of them like Hobie did at the Helsinki Market Square and until today I still dream about eating them again ughhhhh can someone please shower me with Muikku please thanks

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I found this picture off the net, the real pic of us eating the Muikku it's hard to crop my face out so yeah sorry can't use the original pic

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