♠Thank You♠

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The idea for Cruise was conceived a year ago, when I was travelling with my family to the lovely Scandinavian region. On the Helsinki leg of the trip, my sister and I saw a black-faced seagull and as you guys know it we lost it completely and laughed our asses off. Then we bought Muikku, those little fishies and got attacked by seagulls, and that was how the idea for this fic was born.

Also it helped that my father told us a lot of stories about his time when he took a whole year off just to go backpacking around Europe, including Scandinavia, which is how I got the idea of Jungkook being a backpacker and just surviving on like little cash and snacks. Like my father, as I mentioned before, had to sleep outside as he could only afford the cruise ticket. He told me this because when we were on the cruise ship, I asked him why they were lockers on board when we all have rooms. He said it's for the backpackers who have to sleep outside sadddddd

When we were lining up to enter a restaurant on the ship, I saw tourists buying and sharing snacks from the vending machines and I thought 'wow boy am I lucky Im with my family if not oof I'll probably be eating pizza flavored chips all trip' and boom that was how Cruise fell into place.

I wrote the earliest rough draft on the train trips when we were going from places like Stockholm to Copenhagen etc. but it was only when I got back I could finish writing this in full.

A big enormous THANK YOU to my older sis who nagged me non stop about finishing this because welp you know how much I procrastinate, if not for her this would have never seen the light of day.

Another big shout out to our mutual dude friend who offered to beta the sope version of Cruise, im so sorry I completely destroyed it when I was rewriting this as a Jungkook version because seriously I swear I was joking when I asked whether you wanted to beta a gay fic on bts but you did, and I have to say I learned a lot from you and I look forward to working with you again soon!

BUT OF COURSE.  A BIG THANK YOU TO MY EARLY READERS OF CRUISE, Y'ALL ARE THE MOST EXPENSIVE PEOPLE I KNOW. Seriously so many times I wanted to trash this fic because i thought people won't like it but you guys gave it a shot and I want to let you know how grateful I am because this was my first straight fic in a long long time.

I hoped you enjoyed this cruise with me, and that hopefully I can post a sorta sequel to Chaerin and Jungkook's adventure, along with a potential spinoff with vmin BECAUSE YOU KNOW IM A HOE FOR THEM WHAT YOU EXPECT

But until next time, thanks for boarding 'Cruise' with me!

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Yours sincerely,


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