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A/N: From here onwards, the next 3 or 4 chapters are unbeta-ed as I did a lot of improvising for the Wattpad version of this story, adding a lot of new content. I'm sorry for destroying this masterpiece, my beta please don't kill me. I hope you guys dont hate this, really i dont even know what im doing at this point anymore


Despite the ship's mammoth size, the metal stronghold still swayed side to side once it entered choppy waters. Chaerin discerned the floor shifting beneath her feet, the bobbing sensation enough to make her feel a bit queasy. Taehyung had long since abandoned her, having skipped away to the arcade claiming he spotted Ferdinand there, leaving her alone to meander aimlessly around the different floors. Eventually sea-sickness got the better of her, and she headed up to the top deck for some fresh air.

Once she pushed open the door, Chaerin nearly swore as a harsh blast of chilly wind slammed into her face with the force of a freight train. It was freezing cold! The frigid seaspray blustered, forcing the young girl to pull her thick jacket tighter around herself as she wrestled with the wind pushing back against her. She shuddered, the cold slithering through the gaps in her heavy-duty outer wear like a snake, robbing the warmth from her body. Even the breathtaking view, one of endless crashing waves, irradiated by the midnight sun dipping beneath the horizon for those brief few hours, failed to distract Chaerin from the biting cold as well as the churning of her stomach.

"Urgh, this was a bad idea," she thought to herself.

Just as she was turning back to retreat to the comforts of the ship, she spotted a sliver of movement from the bench nearby. There it was, a weird purple caterpillar-shaped thing lying on one of the benches facing the sea. As she drew closer, she realised it was actually a sleeping bag, zipped up to the neck so that only the person's eyes and nose peeked out.

She sneezed suddenly. The purple caterpillar shifted briefly.

Upon seeing Chaerin's hovering face, the person in the sleeping bag catapulted into an upright position, reeling back so violently that he banged his head against the wall behind him.

"Errrr- Totally was not planning on sleeping here tonight. Yeah."

The disheveled angel emerged hastily from the sleeping bag, voice laced with grogginess and a twinge of awkward nervousness. His hair stuck up at the back like some mini explosion, and he was hugging a neon orange blanket to his chest, one that Chaerin recognized from the Tropical Orange Bar at the front of the ship.

His bloodshot eyes widened at the sight of her.

"Uhhhhh uh— um," he spluttered, round cheeks rivaling the color of a bottle of a cola. A hand flew to his unkempt hair in a desperate bid to flatten it, while his other was trying to stuff the offending blanket out of sight. "This isn't what it looks like! I can explain!"

Taken aback, Chaerin appraised his sorry state. If the situation wasn't so bizarre, she might have laughed — the boy was now rambling on at an alarming speed, his tenor voice cracking from nerves, hands gesticulating wildly in an attempt to convince her. So far, he only succeeded in dropping the stupid blanket another five more times.

"I didn't steal this! I'm jusssssssttt... borrowing it! 'Cause I'm— err— looking at seagulls! Gull watching! Admiring the view! Definitely not sleeping out here! No sir-ree."

Chaerin couldn't help but quirk an eyebrow in bemusement (after all he did look really cute when he was all flustered; how the tables have turned). "Um... Sure. Whatever you say."

Perhaps she sounded skeptical, because a nervous laugh escaped the angel's chapped lips. "Why would I sleep out here? It's not like I'm so broke I can't even afford a room to—"

His flailing arm accidentally knocked over his backpack and with a jarring thud, it crashed to the ground. Packs of crisps spilled onto the deck, followed by an embarrassing avalanche of other cheap snacks. The rest of his possessions laid scattered around Chaerin's feet. An almost empty bottle of cologne landed near her shoe.

She didn't think it possible that the angel could get even more hysterical, but now he looked about three seconds from having a full blown anxiety attack. He leaped out of his sleeping bag and began cramming his stuff unceremoniously into his bag, deliberating avoiding eye contact.

"Hey." A moment later, Chaerin called gently. She held out the bottle of cologne towards the embarrassed boy. He finally tore his eyes from the ground and met her gaze. A furious blush colored his tanned skin when he suddenly seemed to remember the snacks in his hands, probably enough to feed an army. Chaerin just had to wonder whether she might burn her hand if she touched his flaming face.

(Not that she wanted to anyway, despite her hammering heart pretty much betraying her intentions.)

Something unspoken passed between them, and the next second the angel seemed to detonate with the intensity of a long-dormant volcano. But instead of coming off as hostile, his behaviour was more akin to a grumpy bunny throwing a tantrum.

"Look, I blew all my money on the one-way ticket, okay!?" he whined, sounding close to tears. "I can't even get a locker, never mind a room!"

He tucked his head, pretty lips pulled into a defensive pout.

"I just really wanted to go on a cruise."


A lot of this is based on true events. Cruises aren't all luxury and stuff where you can relax and are entitled to non stop food and buffets and activities and nice rooms. The cruise ship I went on in Scandinavia: the Mariella didn't offer this. I was lucky I went with my family, if I was by myself I don't think I could afford the buffet never mind the food or the room. Food didn't come with the ticket, you had to pay separately. Bear in mind that everything in Scandinavia is also shit expensive (no offence cause my country currency is freaking small). I saw a lot of tourists buying food from vending machines and just eating them cause they didn't have the money. True story, I swear by it

My father when he was younger, like our Jungkook in this story got a one way ticket but as he was backpacking across Europe and other places he could only afford to put his bag in a locker and sleep outside, grit his teeth and stick it out to dawn. I'll elaborate more on this when this story finishes, just clearing any misunderstandings.

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