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donghyuck smiled as he got inside the room and saw his husband still sleeping

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donghyuck smiled as he got inside the room and saw his husband still sleeping. mark was lying down the bed soundly without any shirt and instead of finding it hot, he found it cute. his hair was everywhere and his snores was the only music he could hear inside the room.

he then stopped staring when mark started to move.

mark rubbed his eyes while groaning ❝what time—

mark didn't finish his sentence when he realized how long he's been asleep. the thing they did with donghyuck last night made him tired. as much as he didn't want to stand up and take a bath, he had too.

donghyuck frowned ❝why are you in a hurry?❞ he gave mark the towel he has been looking for

the older clicked his tongue ❝where's chan?

the younger sat down on the king sized bed and grabbed his phone from the lamp table. ❝already took him to school.

mark's jaw dropped and he couldn't help but stare at the younger ❝and you never bothered to wake me up?

they were at it again.

you looked so peaceful, i didn't want to wake you up.❞ donghyuck tried to avoid the fact that they were back to their normal routine, fighting and quarreling.

the older ruffled his hair in annoyance ❝you know i have a meeting!

donghyuck flinched when mark raised his brow ❝why didn't you put up an alarm then!?

mark blamed donghyuck for not waking him up and donghyuck blamed mark for not setting up an alarm. who's fault is it? actually none, donghyuck was just thinking about mark's state and he thinks the older is tired that's why he didn't bother waking him up. as for mark, the thing they did last night did tire him out and even if he would put up an alarm, he will just turn it off and go back to sleep.

donghyuck threw his phone at the bed and sighed. great way to start the day. and to think they finally changed. to think mark finally changed. but it wasn't completely mark's fault, is it? he is mark's husband, he would've understand him by now.

maybe mark didn't have the same dream as his. but it doesn't matter if he did. donghyuck just want the mark he had in his dream. the mark who would call you beautiful, the mark who would pick donghyuck up from school without donghyuck telling him, the mark who understand him, the mark who says sorry first.

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