Lambs and Wolves

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I'm sorry this episode took so long to do😅😅😅

Iva: Welcome back to Gravity Falls Q&A!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A series where you guys give us questions, challenges, and comments which we have to answer and/or do!!!!! First we have Happy_cat24:

"I have A Dare and A Question
1.For the Dare Dipper I want you To Dress up In a Lamb costume And Walk Around in Public"

Dipper: WHAT?!?

Iva: It's a dare, you can't go back!!!

Lau: I'll get the camera!!!

Dipper: There's nothing in the dare about a camera!!!

Lau: Oh I know, but I'm not letting this moment go to waste!!! *gets a camera*

Iva: *snaps her fingers making Dipper's clothes change into the lamb costume* Awwwww, adorable!!!!!!!

Lau: *takes a picture of Dipper as she snickers*

Bill: *laughing his guts out*

Jill: *joins Bill*

Dipper: *groans*

Mabel: Sorry, bro, it's a dare!!!

Dipper: *walks out muttering things*

Bill: So, while he's off to do whatever he's gonna do, what's the question?

"2.I have a Question For Mabel Do You Still Have A Crush On Someone, Because Like Every week you Get A Crush On A New Guy?"

Mabel: Yes!!! So there's this guy I saw at the diner this morning and he is super cute~!!!

Iva: I question your idea of 'cute'.

Lau: Wow, that's a lot coming from you!

Iva: *elbows Lau*

Lau: *laughs*

~some time later~

Dipper: *walks in* There, I did it.

Iva: Really?!?

Bill: How'd it go?!?

Dipper: Let's just say there are a lot of pictures of me on the internet.

Lau: *on SnapChat* I'll say!

Iva: *laughs before snapping her fingers making Dipper's clothes change to his normal attire*

*a portal appears as a wolf with a missing ear and black dragon wings exits it in a rush*

Wolf: *looks back at the portal* Did *huff* did I loose them?

*the portal disappears*

Wolf: I should be safe here, thank Notch I lost them wait *looks around while flying* Jill? Where are yo- *flies into Wendy's back* oww *falls to ground* that's gonna leave a mark.. *stands up then shakes off the pain, then wings disappear before looking up at Wendy* oh! Hey Petr- wait a minute.... You're not Petra! *wings appear on fire* Who are you and what did you do to Petra?! *growls*

Wendy: *walks back a bit startled*

Iva: *snaps her fingers making a cage around the wolf*

Wolf: Hey!!! Let me out!!!

Iva: That's it, later I'm gonna make some anti-portal thing so creatures stop coming in here unannounced!!!


Iva: Lau, heal!!!

Wolf: Jill, tell them to let me out!!!

Iva: Jill, explain.

Jill: Um, well, this is Lexis, I found her one day and we've been friends ever since! Lexis, it's fine, that's Wendy, she has nothing to do with Petra.

Wendy: *laughs awkwardly*

Lexis: *glares at Wendy before turning to Jill* Alright, but can you please let me out?

Jill: Iva?

Iva: *sighs before snapping her fingers and making the cage disappear* Just don't attack anyone here.

Lexis: Not unless they attack first.

Jill: What are you doing here?!?

Lexis: Long story, I'll have to start from the beginning.

Iva: You do that. I'm just gonna go ahead and say: thank you for reading!!! If you wish for more, make sure to leave a comment, question, and/or challenge!!! And remember: Reality is an illusion, the universe is a hologram, buy gold, BYEEEEEEEEE!!!


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