🎄Seventh Day🎄

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"On the seventh day of Christmas, Cipher gave to us...

Seven second neighbors

Six foreworks

Five golden demons!!!!!

Four annoying gnomes

Three old journals

Two sets of twins

And a small hat on a pine tree."

Dipper: Second neighbors?

Bill 5: As in secondary characters.

Iva: *groans*

Lazy Susan: Where are we?

Manly Dan: I want to tear this place apart.


Mabel: Anyways, we have a comment, right?!?!?!?

Lau: Yeah, Theo!

Theo: I dare everyone to make a ginger bread house.

Iva: Wait, like we each have to make one or we all have to make one together?

Theo: *shrugs*

Iva: ... I'm lazy, let's do one.


Iva: I don't trust you in my kitchen.

Mabel: How am I not trustworthy?!?!?

Iva: You burned down the stage last time!!! You're lucky it was off camera!!!

Mabel: What if Wendy helped me?!?

Iva: ... *sigh* Fine. Lau, keep an eye on them.

Lau: Ay ay! *leaves following Mabel and Wendy*

Bills: Can we work on the frosting?!?

Iva: Why not.

Bills: *disappear*

Dipper: What are you gonna do?

Iva: Lay down on my couch and watch some YouTube, tell me when the gingerbread house is done. *walks away*

Dipper: .......


Iva: *walks over* Is it done?

Mabel: YEP!!!

Bills: It turned out great!!!

Iva: Still can't believe I gotta deal with five Bill clones. Dare completed!!!

Lau: You didn't do crap though.

Iva: Whatever!!! Anyways, now that we're back on track with the days, thank you for reading!!! If you wish for more, make sure to leave a comment, question, and/or challenge!!! And remember: Reality is an illusion, the universe is a hologram, buy gold, BYEEEEEEEEE!!!


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