🎄Eighth Day🎄

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"On the eighth day of Christmas, Cipher gave to us...

Eight Christmas cutouts

Seven second neighbors

Six fireworks

Five golden demons!!!!!!

Four annoying gnomes

Three old journals

Two sets of twins

And a small hat on a pine tree."

Iva: ... Why. Just-... why.

Bill 2: We thought it'd do good for the Christmas spirit.

Iva: *rolls her eyes* Anyways, we have a few dares today, so let's get on with it!!!

Sage: I dare myself to yEET-

Iva: ..... ok then.

Sage: yEET!!!

Iva: Well that's done. Anyways-

Laurie: Ooh I dare all the Bills to pick someone to annoy for the rest of the Christmas countdown.

Everyone: ....................


Dipper: We're dead.

Theo: I'm so gonna get picked, I know it.

Bill 1: Ok Bills, choose your prey!!!

Bills: *fly around cackling*

Bill 1: *floats beside Iva* Hi there!

Iva: I regret every decision that has led me to this moment.

Bill 2: *floats over to Dipper* :3

Dipper: ... *eye twitch* ... *falls on his knees* NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!

Bill 3: *floats over to Theo* Hey friend!

Theo: I called it!!!

Bill 4: *floats near Sage* Hello my dearest daughter!

Sage: ... great.

Bill 5: *floats near Mabel* Hi!

Mabel: Hi!!!

Bill 5: We're gonna be great friends!!!

Mabel: Yay!!!

Iva: *rubs her temples* aNyWaYs...

Bill 1: Next comment, next comment, next comment, next-!!!!!!!

Iva: SHUT UP!!!

Bill 3: C'mon, say it!!!

Theo: *sigh* I dare Mabel to make cookies out of Mabel Juice and Smile Dip >:3

Dipper: WHAT?!?

Iva: This day can't possibly get any worse.

Mabel: YES!!! BILL 5, COME WITH ME TO THE KITCHEN!!! *runs off with Bill 5 behind her*

Lau: This won't turn out well...

-about an hour later-

Mabel and Bill 5: We have the cookies!!!!!!!

Iva: *gulp* ...

Bill 5: Everyone, dig in!!!!!!

Lau: Guys, it has been an honor being on this show with all of you.

Iva: Likewise. Goodbye, everyone!!!

Everyone: *eats a cookie*

Everyone who ate the cookies became a strange cookie zombie hybrid monster, and that's how it started...

The Cooking Dead...


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