Roleplay 1

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This is a roleplay between me and my friend Discree on instagram. Enjoy.

"you know there aren't a lot of people who would go on quests with lame o's like me." Snowy stated.
"Not really lame," Discree had said, "Just unexpected, ya know?" 
" Yeah well..." She stopped in her tracks to look at a passing squirrel. "Ooo squirrel!" Her opposite coloured eyes lit up in eyes lit up in fascination.
Discree noticed there colour and stared with his own admiration, "... Wow. Your eyes..."
Her gaze lifted upwards, "Hm?"
"The colours..."
" Oh yeah, the colours, they're nice aren't they? "
" I was born with them. No one knew why. "
Snowy continued walking on the forest trail. "You see, I have to deliver a message to the mayor of this town." she paused, " I will get there! No matter what! "
"Heh. Pretty determined I see"
"Yep. I'm almost there. "
"Does that make us friends?" She questioned.
" Yep" he responded
"Cool! I don't have a lot of those..."
"Oh... Well I'll be your friend"
"Thanks! Hey there's a hotel over there. I'm gonna go there for the night."
" Oh okay, I'll sleep in the tree over there okay? "He pointed to a tree a few feet away.
" Alright! "
"Okay just call for help when you need it" he said jumping into the tree, his wings boosting him off the ground.
"Sure thing!" She said, then she marched her way to check in into the inn.
When she got to her room she began practicing spells she began muttering to herself. Meanwhile Discree was listening in to detect any sketchiness. She whispered to herself, "I don't feel safe in this town..."
Discree noted her words and went to sleep.

I will finish the rest of the story next time. Bye for now.

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