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The tour was going great I was loving doing merch but with the perks of being able to leave to go and watch the show, I was the happiest I'd ever been in so long but I still checked up on my sister very often I was glad to know she was doing good and that my parents were in jail. I was currently at the merch booth with Helena the Oppening band had started so the hallway was empty and quiet finally I was annoyed with these little kids even though I'm not so much older than they are.

"So! Adelit shaddix"


"Oooh!!!! And what!"

"What is wrong with you?"

"Do Lou even realize what I just said to you!"

"No and stop yelling please"

"I called you Adelita shaddix and you answered to it you're in love!"

"An you're dumb... No I'm not I heard Adelita so I responded I don't know Jacoby enough to even remotely like him as more than a friend"

"Have yours slept together? You're always coming out of his room"

"Uh no I'm not that was once and no we haven't been sleeping together we just talk"

"Oh honey please I know Jacoby shaddix and he doesn't just talk..."

"Well you obviously don't know him like I know him then do you?youve seen one side of him and I'm seeing another what does it matter anyways if I was?"

"I just think you two are cute together is all and I guess I'm surprised actually that he hasn't slept with you yet "

"What do you mean?"

"Usually with girls he likes he's banged them within the first few nights at least "

"He doesn't like me in that way what aren't you getting about this? And thanks but inreallyndidnt need to know that"

Things got quiet between us she was really getting on my nerves with this whole Jacoby thing and it was eventually going to make e feel awkward around him, at least twenty minutes passed without us talking to each other then Jacoby came up to us.

"You two are awfully quiet that's unusual......"

We both shrugged our shoulders "nothing to talk about I guess" Helena said

"Well.. I'm here to kidnap you... Come on I want you to watch from the Side of the stage"

He said handing me a papa roach pass on a lanyard that had my name on it, at the bottom said working for/with papa roach I smiled to myself it's what I always dreamed of Jacoby grabbed my hand and we shocked each other pretty bad we both pulled our hands away and said "ouch" at the same time we looked at each other then Jacoby smiled

"Well that didn't feel so great" I said

"You didn't like it?" He said

"It hurt..."

"I guess this means there's a spark between us" he said with one last smile before taking the stage I didn't know how to take what he said seriously? Or as a joke? Either way I stood beside the stage watching them play and enjoyed every minute of it as I always did, occasionally I'd glance to th crowd where I'd see girls giving me such dirty looks all I did was laugh at this if only they knew I'm not his girl and just here working even then they'd probably still hate me I didn't care. At times I'd see him look over at me then smile, sing never breaking eye contact I could see a girl looking at me from the corner of my eye I waved at Jacoby who returned it if looks could kill then I'd be dead with the look I was getting from this girl I found it amusing though at one point she called me over to her.

"How do you know Jacoby?" She asked

"I work for him duh.." I said holding up the lanyard

"Oh okay... I thought maybe you were his girlfriend..."

I returned to my spot I should of messed with her even more and tell her yeah I am his girlfriend as a matter of fact now stop staring me down, but I had to play nice.

"So we have one more song to play and it's a song for anybody who has ever or is currently in a tough spot in their life, dealing with sit they shouldn't have to deal with.... Something we have in common but I have somebody special that I want to welcome to the stage with me first of all, somebody who I've come to know very well, special to me... Everybody please welcome miss Adelita!" The crowd yelled I felt all eyes on me I didn't move from my spot I couldn't think did I hear him right? "Come on babe... Don't be shy..." He said to me I finally moved and made my way to the stage sure singing and music in General was my biggest passion but I never imagined actually being in front of a sold out arena, he put his arm around my shoulder he got the crowd all worked up and chanting my name. "I want Adelita to sing this song.... You all know this song... It's called broken home!" He yelled then handed me the microphone I whipped my head around to look at him

"Jacoby what arer you doing!" I yelled to him he motioned for me to hold the mic up

"Sing... I want you to sing this song..."

He was serious I felt nervous that was until the music started and I started to sing then it was like it just came naturally to me, I was so into it, great at keeping the crowd entertained and going not to mention how much energy they had for me once it was over I walked off stage with the guys I was so excited to tell Helena I told Jacoby I'd meet him outside once I was done helping her.

"No way are you serious! That's AWESOME Adelita!" She said hugging me we got the last of the stuff in the truck I saw Jacoby talking to some fans outsid by the bus I could hear them talking to each other Jacoby had a big smile on his face,

"Bro seriously.... She's a fucking keeper! Don't let her go if you got a girl who wil, do that for you and can mail it when it's their first time on stage keep her you got a awesome girlfriend!" He said it took me off guard he thought I was his girl..

"Thanks man... Glad you enjoyed the show...and trust me I haven't come across a girl like her ever, she's different I'm not letting her go anywhere she's all mine... " what did that mean? I'm all his and he's not letting me go? I brushed it off and walked up to him he hugged me and I talked to some fans.

"You killed it! I've never seen this guy do that ever! He must really love you if he let you do that.."

"Oh thanks god you enjoyed it"

"Yeah I did.... You two are great together by the way... Way to go Jacoby.. " they all left and it was time to get on the bus I still didn't know what to think about this... Jacoby picked me up and carried me onto his bus then onto his bunk and squeezed in next to me.

Days come and go but my feelings for you are forever- Jacoby Shaddix-Where stories live. Discover now