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" what how do you win again!?" helena yelled as I jumped up doing a victory dance

"because I'm just that good baby!" I said smacking her hard on the butt she rolled over onto her stomach

from the couch travis was laughing at us I sat down on the other end pulling my phone out and seeing I had a text from Zacky I was replying when Travis started talking to me.

"you two havent changed a bit since we were kids..." he said with a laugh I shoved his head back

"no we havent but you on the other hand have"

he pushed my arm away throwing a pillow at my face "yeah yeah yeah I know I was a little fucker..."

"no kidding...."

"who is messaging you? you actually have friends?"

"ha ha ha" I said throwing a pillow back at him

"i know I'm funny"

"it's Zacky... he wants me to tour with them next doing merch"

"hey thats awesome! did you tell him yes?"

"No i haven't said anything because I am enjoying this right now"

"speaking of what is up with you and Jacoby? I've known the guy so long I have never seen him act this way, what did you do to him?"

"I didn't do anything and nothing is up with us we're just friends... well your sister thinks he likes me, I say he doesnt and I think he is jealous of zacky because he thinks zacky likes me"

"well.... talk to him it wont hurt... you never had a problem opening up to me, and if he likes you then i dont blame him... lets hope he wont be crazy enough to let you go like someone else i know" he said getting up from the couch, helena looked over at me questioning then sat down.

"what was that about?"

"nothing it's your brother we're friends duh..."

"so are you going to stop making things awkward and talk to your man?"

"I will throw this phone at your face he isint my man..."

"well you cant avoid him anymore....."

"yeah right... Im gonna go lay down its late"

I climbed into my bunk getting comfortable when my phone went off with a text from Jacoby I thought about replying but I didn;t know what to say to him.

~Jacobys POV~

I waited for her to reply but ten minutes had passed without anything so I tossed my phone onto my bed and said fuck it joining the guys at the front of the bus for some drinking, we had been on edge lately with each other these guys aren't just band mates they're brothers so maybe forgetting about Adelita for now was going to be a good thing.

"so have you talked to her?" Jerry asked as I sat down


"what do you mean who? you know who I'm talking about..."

"Nope... no idea.... so who's turn is it to go? I'm going to beat all of you"

"ha! thats what you thik! but today will be my day I can feel it" Tobin said

"no chance in hell we all know I am the king at poker"

I had been so distracted by Adelita that I had forgotten just how much fun we have while on tour I dont know why I even waste my time on women while I am on the road, although this is different she isnt just some girl she's friends with Travis and helena so it complicated things a little bit.

Days come and go but my feelings for you are forever- Jacoby Shaddix-Where stories live. Discover now