January 18, 2016

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January 18, 2016

Everett Morrison was still in the midst of his first year at Zachary Taylor Middle School, and he already hated it. He hated being the smallest kid in his class, he hated the brand new braces on his teeth, he hated being stuck with the meanest teachers in the school, and he hated being in the same school as his sister. He was not exactly thrilled to be waking up on a Monday morning just to go to a place that he wished would spontaneously combust, but nevertheless, here he was. Thankfully, he was in study hall, and in six minutes, he would be free.

As Everett worked on his social studies homework, he thought about his after school plans. Louis had agreed to meet him in the library, where they could pretend to study for their upcoming science test while actually looking at memes. It was a perfect plan, and Everett couldn't wait for school to be over so he could hang out with Louis and avoid sailing practice with his dad.

The bell rang just as Everett finished the last question on his reading guide. He shoved his homework into his backpack and sprinted to his locker. As Everett threw on his winter jacket, Louis came up to him. "Hey Everett," he said as he brushed a strand of brown hair away from his pearly white face.

"Hi Louis," Everett said.

"Are you ready to head to the library?" Louis said.

"Yeah," Everett said as he followed Louis to the library. On their way there, Louis decided to bring up the upcoming sailing season.

"Are you sailing again next year?" Louis asked.

"I don't want to, but my parents are probably going to make me," Everett said. "What about you?"

"I'm definitely sailing again this year, but it's okay if you don't want to," Louis said. "Sailing isn't for everybody."

"Tell that to my parents," Everett said. "They just don't understand."

"Parents never understand," Louis complained. "They did let me see The Force Awakens again yesterday though."

"Seriously?" Everett complained. The new Star Wars movie was already one of his favorites, yet only his dad liked it as much as he did. "Why didn't you invite me?"

"I forgot," Louis said. "I'm sorry, Everett."

"It's okay," Everett replied. As the boys approached the library, Everett noticed a large poster for the upcoming school dance. "Are you going to that, Louis?"

Louis laughed and said, "Of course not. Are you?"

"Not unless Ashley Vega agrees to go with me," Everett said.

"That will never happen," Louis said. "Ashley's a seventh grader."

"Maybe she'll suddenly decide that she likes younger men," Everett said.

"Trust me, she won't," Louis said. "I think we can both safely say that we're not attending the dance." All of a sudden, Louis peeked around the corner into the hallway where the eighth graders' lockers were. "I think your sister's over there, Everett," he said.

"What's she doing?" Everett asked.

"Just talking to Eden Reinhart," Louis replied. "Do you want to go spy on them?"

"Yes!" Everett exclaimed, and the two boys snuck into the hallway, hoping that Sylvie and Eden wouldn't notice them. To their surprise, the eighth graders just kept talking, unaware of Louis and Everett's presence.

"Please tell me that your math class is better than mine," Sylvie said. "We literally have a book called 'Geometry For Enjoyment and Challenge,' and I'm still trying to figure out where the enjoyment comes in."

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