August 17, 1991

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August 17, 1991

"Audrey, who is that?" her mother asked as a mysterious dark blue SUV pulled into the driveway.

"It's Phil, Mom," Audrey said. "I thought I told you that he was coming today." In fact, Audrey was certain that she had already told Mom that Phil was coming: it was only her selective memory that was keeping her from remembering.

"I don't like that boy," Mom said. "Why do you have to date someone who lives four hours away, Audrey? Aren't there enough cute boys around here?"

Audrey had dated a handful of boys in her tribe, but there was a connection that she felt when she was around Phil that she hadn't found with anyone else. Phil and Audrey had only been together for a month, but she was beginning to think that Phil might be the one. "I like Phil, Mom," Audrey said. "You'd understand if you met him."

"I doubt it," Mom said. "Anyways, you should work on searching for a job instead of running around with your boyfriend. You have a college degree - why don't you have a job yet?"

"I'll revise my resume again after I get back," Audrey said.

"And when are you getting back?" Mom asked.

"I don't know," Audrey admitted. She knew that she was going to a party at Phil's yacht club, but she didn't know how long Clearwater Lake Yacht Club parties usually lasted.

"Call me before you leave the party then," Mom said.

"Mom!" Audrey complained. "I'm an adult now, and you're treating me like a little girl."

"You're acting like a little girl right now," Mom said.

All of a sudden, Phil got out of his car and knocked on the door. Audrey opened the door, and Phil said, "Hi Audrey. Are you ready to go?" He smiled, and Audrey's heart nearly melted.

"I'm ready," Audrey said. "Bye Mom! I'll see you this evening."

"Goodbye, Audrey," Mom said.

Audrey left the house and hopped into the passenger seat of Phil's car. As Phil backed out of her driveway, Audrey changed the radio station to her favorite station, and Phil and Audrey both soon began to sing along. It didn't matter that Phil couldn't carry a tune to save his life - Audrey loved everything about Phil, including his tone deaf singing voice. Once the radio station turned to commercials, Phil turned the radio down and asked, "How are things going for you, Audrey?"

"I'm fine," Audrey said. "How are you?"

"I'm doing much better, now that you're here," Phil said. "The drive here last night was a little lonely. I wish that we lived closer together."

"Me too, but I can't move out of my parents' house until I get a job," Audrey complained.

"How's the job search going?" Phil asked.

"It's just kind of frustrating," Audrey said. "I'm struggling to find any good leads, and there don't seem to be many social work positions open in my area."

"Maybe you should look in the Green Bay area," Phil suggested. "There's more people there, and we'd be closer together."

"That's true, but I'm not that I want to be so far away from my family," Audrey said. "I've looked at a few jobs there - I found one job in De Pere that looks promising."

"I can understand why you wouldn't want to be too far from your family, but you won't be that far," Phil said. "It's still drivable."

"You have a good point," Audrey said.

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