July 9, 2018

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July 9, 2018

Six days before the regatta began, the Reinharts invited my family over for dinner. I spent most of that day with Véro, but even I acknowledged that I needed to spend more time with Eden. I had been a horrible friend since I met Véro: Eden and I had hardly spent any time together at all. Véro and I spent most of the morning and afternoon sailing, but around four o'clock, I insisted that we should head home.

"Why?" Véro asked, leaning over to kiss me again.

"I'm having dinner with my friend," I said.

"Oh, I didn't know that," Véro said. "Which friend?"

"Eden," I said. "My whole family is coming though, since my parents are friends with her parents."

"I see," Véro said. "Have fun with Eden!"

"Thanks, Véro," I said as we approached the pier. Both of us climbed out of the boat, and we went our separate ways. I wanted to embrace her and tell how much she meant to me before she left, but I was afraid that someone else would hear me.

I went inside, and less than an hour later, Mom, Dad, Everett, and I left again to go to the Reinharts' house. A part of me wished that Véro could tag along too, but I knew better. I had to spend some time with Eden, and bringing my new girlfriend (or whatever it was that we were now) along wouldn't be the best idea.

Dad turned on the classic rock station, but we only listened to half of a song before we arrived at the Reinharts' house. In many ways, Eden's home looked the same as mine - it was like we hadn't left our house at all. Dad parked the car in the Reinharts' driveway, and all of us got out of the car and walked up to the door. Everett pounded on the door, imitating some joke that he had seen on TV, and Dad told him to stop.

"Don't you get it?" Everett said, but Dad didn't have time to respond.

Mr. Reinhart opened the door and said, "Hey everyone! It's so good to see you guys."

"It's good to see you too, Theo," Dad said.

"Come on inside," Mr. Reinhart said. "It's been too hot outside lately. Sylvie, you look kind of sunburned. Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," I said. "I've been practicing for the regatta."

"I've been telling Eden and Brooke to do that, but they seem to just want to watch movies in our living room," Mr. Reinhart said.

That will just make them easier to beat, I thought before I chastised myself for even letting that come to my mind. Eden was my best friend. I would be happy for her if she won the regatta, because friends are always there for each other. I wouldn't let the fact that we were competing against each other in the regatta get in the way of our friendship.

As if on cue, Eden entered the living room. "We've been practicing all summer, Dad," she said. "Brooke and I deserve a break." All of a sudden, she noticed me and said, "Oh, hey Sylvie. I didn't see you there."

"Hi Eden," I said.

"How's it going?" Eden asked.

"Better than ever," I said, thinking of Véro. "How are you doing?"

"I'm okay," Eden said. "Why don't we go into the living room and chat?"

"That sounds like a good idea," I said.

"Can I come with you?" Everett asked.

"No," Eden and I said in unison. We then laughed and walked into the living room while Everett sulked in the kitchen.

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