July 27, 1991

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July 27, 1991

Phil was convinced that today he would win the 48th Annual Clearwater Lake Regatta. As he set up Seaclusion III, waiting for his sister, he thought of how Grandpa and Grandma had won the first Clearwater Lake Regatta - if they could do it, then why couldn't he? He was in first place right now, and he had overheard Theo's parents talking about how he was the favorite to win the whole thing. There was only one more race, and as long as Phil won, he would win the regatta.

Phil spotted two figures walking toward the shore. He put on his glasses and although he was hoping that Holly would finally show up like she was supposed to, it was his parents. "Hi Mom and Dad," Phil said.

"Hi Phil," Mom said. "We just wanted to wish you good luck."

"Thanks," Phil said.

"You're going to do great, son," Dad said. "This is your home - you know the lake better than anyone else out there."

"Thank you, Dad," Phil said. "Where's Holly?"

"She's coming," Dad answered.

"When?" Phil asked. "She's taking forever."

Suddenly, Phil spotted his sister running toward the shore and onto the pier. "Sorry, I'm late, Phil," Holly said. "I was on the phone with Chad. We were talking about economic theory, and he's just so smart..."

"Holly, what is wrong with you?" Phil said. "This is the most important race of the regatta. We can't be late."

"I'm sorry!" Holly exclaimed. "We can get going now. I can always call Chad later."

Phil steered the boat away from the shore, giving Holly a nasty look as he did so. He hated to admit it, but he was a little bit jealous of Holly. Phil had never been very lucky when it came to romance - the last time he had kissed a girl was in second grade - but his sister, who was possibly even more of a nerd than he was, had somehow found true love. Phil wanted a relationship like Holly and Chad's, but he was starting to suspect that he would never find it.

Phil and Holly sailed their boat to the starting line, joining the line of sailboats that were gliding back and forth behind the judges' boat. Mom had decided not to judge this particular race, but Phil knew all of the other members of the judging committee. Phil was beginning to suspect that Dad was right - he had the home turf advantage. He could win the regatta simply because he lived in Clearwater Lake.

"Hey Holly, can you take the tiller for a few minutes?" Phil asked.

"Why?" Holly asked, but she took the tiller anyways and steered the boat in a straight line.

"I want to check out the competition," Phil said. He leaned over the side of the boat and noticed many of his fellow yacht club members competing. He waved when Theo's boat passed by, and Theo waved back.

"Good luck, Phil!" Theo exclaimed.

"Thanks, you too!" Phil shouted back. He smiled as he searched for a boat called Aquaphile. According to the current regatta standings, Aquaphile, sailed by Audrey Rhodes and Elisa Harvey, was in second place. Phil had to beat Aquaphile if he wanted to win the regatta, and it would help if he knew what the boat looked like.

A few seconds later, he found it. The "U" in "Aquaphile" had fallen off, but it was still obvious that this was the right boat. There were two women around Phil's age sailing Aquaphile, but one of them was clearly in charge. The crew had short, blond hair, sunburned white skin, and a girlish face, but it was the skipper that caught Phil's eye. Phil had thought that he and Holly were the only Native sailors in the race, but this woman proved him wrong. Phil couldn't help but watch as her hands deftly pulled on the sheet line, and her long hair rippled in the wind. Her dark brown eyes met his for a split second, and Phil quickly looked away.

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