~birthdays and heartbreaks~

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Early morning of April. The sun's rays were peeking through the Sakura Blossoms, as a calm wind blew across Magnolia. It was a seemingly perfect day. Yet lurking in the shadows of fate, a darker aspect was making its way towards the Fairy Tail guild.

Today was a very important day for a certain mage. Her blue locks were swept behind her as she skipped on the cobblestone pavement towards the guild hall. Her long dress flowed gracefully, like a ripple in water.

Juvia smiled to herself. Today was her beloved Gray-sama's birthday. Truth be told, she was actually quite nervous. She had no idea if Gray would actually like her present. Not only that, but it was Lyon's birthday as well.

The controversy between Gray and Lyon had been going on for quite a while now. As sweet as Lyon was, deep inside she knew that Gray was the one. Gray just needed a little motivation, that's all. She had gotten him a custom-made snow globe, with a specially made fairy tail symbol inside, made of ice. She loved the idea, figuring with the water and ice encased inside, it would somehow give her more luck in a relationship.

The day was young; maybe a little too young, being it was only 6:00 in the morning. Juvia had made sure to get a fresh start on the day, setting up the party. It was going to be held in the guild hall, and she'd invited several other guilds; Blue Pegasus, Lamia Scale, and she'd even invited Crime Sorcier, even though she knew they would not be able to make it, seeing that they couldn't show their faces in public.

Gasping and out of breath, Juvia climbed up the stone stairs up to the doors. Pushing them open, she gasped. The guild hall was an utter mess. Chairs were hanging from the balcony, drinks spilt on the wooden floor. A couple of tables were smashed; they seemed to have been thrown against the wall with quite some force.

Oh god, this isn't good, Juvia though to herself. How could she possibly set up? She started pacing, when she noticed Mirajane in the middle of the chaos. She was in the process of picking up the drinks from the ground. She noticed Juvia, smiling meekly.

"I'm so sorry Juvia. Last night, things got a little carried away. I know today is Gray and Lyon's birthday, and it means a lot to you, but I don't think we'll be able to pull this off in time," Mira apologized.

Juvia's face fell, then solidified into a firm expression. "Then we have no time to waste, now do we?" She stated.

Juvia's strength found its way into Mira's head, and she smiled as well. They would pull this off if they put their minds together.

They began right away, Juvia using her water magic to lift the drinks, cleaning them out, and washing the stains from the floor, before setting them down gently on the counter. Mira was busy flying around in demon form, picking up the chairs from the balcony, and collecting the broken tables.

After the room was spotless, the two hurried downstairs, into the supply room, and together managed to lug new tables and chairs upstairs. Fairy tail had a seemingly endless supply of these, as the guild tended to get trashed a little more than intended.

With Mira in charge of setting up, and Juvia on decorations, the front door opened. In walked the baker, a jolly old man wearing a white shirt stained with flour and other pastry-related substances.

In his hands was a huge cake, nearly towering over his head. It was entirely white, with 3 layers, light blue icing lining the edges. On the top, a Lamia Scale and Fairy Tail logo side by side at the top of the cake. They seemed to be made of ice, even though it was probably just sugar.

Juvia's face broke into a smile as she was just finishing up hanging a banner, reading 'Happy birthday Lyon and Gray!' She gingerly hopped down off the stool, and hurried over, thanking the baker for coming regardless of the short notice.

Juvia and Mira stepped back to admire their work. There were tables set up symmetrically down the wall, with blue and white tablecloths draped on them. There were snowflake centerpieces on each table, and plastic plates set up. Even the chandelier hanging from the ceiling was tinted blue.

Soon after, the doors burst open yet again, revealing at least 10 people standing there wearing black and white tuxedos. In their arms, plates filled to the brim with every food you could imagine- Chicken, pasta, burgers, rice, steak, sushi... the list went on and on.

Juvia's stomach growled as she let them in. She had to save her appetite for the party. Even so, as she directed the people where to put the food, she may have stolen a fry or 2. Everything was in place, perfect for the party.

Just as Juvia and Mira collapsed on a chair, the guests began to arrive. First was the Blue Pegasus guild, led by Ichia. Juvia shivered inwardly. He had always given her the creeps, ever since a few years ago...

Next came the Sabertooth Guild, followed by a couple others. The next thing they knew, the guild hall was buzzing with energy. Lamia Scale arrived shortly after, Lyon in the lead. Juvia could clearly see the excitement radiating in his eyes, even though he was clearly fighting to remain calm and composed.

Last came the Fairy Tail Guild, fashionable late, as always. Juvia sighed, as they slowly began arriving one by one. They were so predictable. Then Juvia felt her heart thump in her chest.

In the doorway, stood Gray. He was wearing black cargo pants, a white button up shirt, a flannel dark blue jacket. Juvia's heart fluttered. He was so... stunning. She hurried up to him, and latched onto his arm. He squirmed slightly, inching back.

Juvia smiled. She knew he was hiding his feelings from her. "Happy birthday, Gray-sama! I hope you like the decorations! Mira and I spent all morning setting up. The cake is your favorite flavour, vanilla! Oh, and we also- "

"Oh that's nice. Thanks." Gray replied idly.

Juvia's face fell slightly. He seemed to be looking across the room. She quickly glanced back, looking for whoever he was looking at. He had probably realized he was zoning out, because he quickly coughed, saying something about having to go to the washroom or something.

He pulled away, and Juvia quickly shuffled back. Her heart sunk. What was going on? Shouldn't he be excited for today. Her thoughts were interrupted by a voice behind her. It was Lyon, coming to thank her for all her hard work.

"You really didn't have to do all this," He explained with a smile. "I really appreciate it"

Juvia smiled meekly back. Her mind was lost in thought. Where was Gray? What was taking so long? She had come to the immediate conclusion that maybe he was in trouble or something. She quickly broke into a run, leaving Lyon standing there in the midst of his confusion.

Her footsteps echoed down the long empty hall, searching frantically around the meandering path. Where was he? Turning a sharp corner, she was imagining of a worse-case scenario, when she clashed, head first, into Natsu.

They both collapsed on the ground, dazed. Natsu was the first to stand, then quickly offering Juvia his hand. She quickly took it, and pulled herself up. Had Natsu been looking for someone as well?

Just as she had predicted, Natsu explained that he had been searching for Lucy.

"Have you seen her anywhere?" He asked in concern.

"No, I haven't actually. Have you seen Gray?"

"Not recently, no..."

Their steps slowed as they walked through the building, keeping their eyes peeled for anyone. They came across a door that had been left ajar. Finding it strange, Natsu nudged it open the rest of the way with his foot. What they saw changed everything.

Before them stood Gray and Lucy, holding each other in a tight embrace.


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