~hospital beds~

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Juvia's POV

Juvia lay in darkness in bed, staring at the ceiling blankly. A faint sound of a dripping faucet echoed from the bathroom, but she was too drained to turn it off. She ran over the events of that day.

She had heard word that her parents were doing well, although after their rescue by a team of government officials, they were almost immediately arrested. It turned out they had been on a most wanted list for quite awhile now. This almost didn't sit well with Juvia, making her wonder why she ever felt sympathy for them. She had so many questions. She took a mental note to visit them once they were released.

Borris and Morris, the two henchman of Haru's that she nearly forgot about, were rumoured to have joined Lamia Scale. She was surprised they had even found their way back from that building, but felt almost happy for them. Almost.

And then there was Natsu. How was he doing? When she watched him collapse, it had felt like the world was ending. Natsu had always been pushing himself far past the limit in everything he did, be it fighting or eating. Juvia had always secretly admired him from afar, but had been so wrapped up in Gray to get to really know him.

His face had been a bloody mess, and she was seriously worrying that he had died. Since when had she been so concerned for him? She'd always admired him, but not in this way. Over these past few years, what had overcome her? Was this... love, perhaps?

Juvia couldn't shake her anxiety over him, and something took over her as she found herself slipping on her coat and shoes and leaving her house. She had to see Natsu, make sure he was okay. Maybe confirm whatever it was that she felt.

The air was misty as she made her way towards the looming hospital. Only a couple room lights were lit, and she could hear crickets chirping in the distance. Chances were, the place was off limits to visitors at this time. Shaking away any hesitations, she carefully stepped into the lobby.

There was one lady sitting at the front desk, but aside from that, the waiting room was empty.

"Excuse me, what can I help you with?" The lady said.

"Um, do you know where Natsu Dragneel is? I was really hoping to visit him..." Juvia felt her longing to see him, to know he was alright, growing with every waiting second.

"Room 124. But honey, I'm sorry, visiting hours end at 10:00. You can come again tomorrow though."

Juvia felt the weight of her words crash down on her. She mumbled something incoherent, before collapsing in a chair. She had to collect herself.

After what seemed like a few minutes, Juvia was ripped from her thoughts by the sound of a phone ringing. She watched as the lady at the desk looked into the room beside her for a moment, and then got up, entering the room, and picking up the phone.

'Juvia, don't be an idiot. Stop thinking that. Bad idea'.

'Shut up!' She protested to herself. She had to see him. So what if she could get in trouble?

In a split second, she bolted silently from the waiting room down the fluorescent-lit hallway.

'This is stupid.' One part of her brain prodded her.

'124 124 124 124 124 124...' The other said with confidence.

Where was room 124? She continued walking, to the point where she started thinking she went the wrong way, when she spotted the door.

Filled with anticipation, Juvia inched the door open, peeking inside.

Sure enough, there was Natsu. However, this wasn't the Natsu she knew.

He was laying in a hospital bed, IVs hooked above his left wrist, entering his veins. He was dressed in a hospital gown, however he still had his scarf around his neck. The worst though, was his eye. He had a white gauze wrapped around his head and over his eye. With him sleeping, it seemed like he was almost... dead.

Juvia crept up to him. She didn't know what she was thinking when she whispered his name. He was probably delirious after all of those antibiotics, so it would be a surprize if he even cracked an eye open.

She leaned over him, examining his eye, when his other eye snapped open. Juvia jerked up in surprize.

He watched her, and broke into a tired grin. Before Juvia could even process what was happening, she watched as his hand lifted around the back of her neck and pulled her into a kiss.

Juvia felt the world slowly melt. What was happening? Natsu, did he like her? Did she like him? Why- why was he kissing her. Her thoughts were flying at a hundred miles an hour, when he broke away.

"I love you," He said.

The next words that came broke her.



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