~broken glass~

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The two quickly separated. So quickly, in fact, Juvia was questioning if what she saw was her just being delusional.

Thump. Thump.

Gray... with Lucy... What was happening?

Thump. Thump.


Thump. Thump.

Natsu broke Juvia's trance by bursting out laughing. Still remaining frozen, Juvia was looking for possible reasons this could be happening. An accident maybe? Yes. They just bumped into each other. That makes sense... Doesn't it?

"Ha! You guys dating now or something?!" Natsu said, humored. "Wow Gray, I never would've thought...!"

The two quickly stepped a fair distance away from each other. Lucy was visibly blushing. Gray was scratching the back of his head, a smirk on his face.

"Stop being an idiot! We just bumped into each other on the way here! It's nothing." He replied heatedly.

Juvia quietly stepped forwards. "You- you were-?"

Long silence. Natsu was grinning now, although there was another expression buried beneath the surface. What was it? Sadness? Envy?

After hesitating, Juvia repeated her question.

"I said it was nothing!" Gray shot back. He was yelling now. "Stop prying! Why are you always stalking me? Embarrassing me all the time, you're such a pain to have around! I'm not interested! Can't you take a hint? It's been so many years, so could you just leave me alone for once?"

"Gray! What's your problem you idiot!" Natsu exploded

Juvia just stood there, frozen. She must be dreaming. This wasn't really happening, was it? She slowly bowed her head. Her actions were simple and calm, as if she was void of emotion.

She turned around, took three steps away, and then broke into a run. She ran and ran, through the chaos of the party, bumping through the crowd of people. She pushed open the doors, running out down the steps. She could hear voices calling out to her, asking her what was wrong. But she just ignored them.

She didn't care anymore.

Running, running, until she collapsed on a bench beside a fountain. That was as far as she got. Then Juvia burst out crying. Tears brimming her eyes before pouring down her face.

Thunder rumbled above her head, and rain began to pour. She remembered this feeling; she had felt it years ago. Before she had joined the guild. Before she had met Gray.

She was drenched now, shaking in the rain. This was not how the day was supposed to go. Gray was supposed to be thanking her. She should be celebrating with him. So why? Why would he say that? She felt a hand rest on her head.

"You really shouldn't be out here in the rain. You'll catch a cold."

She glanced behind her. It was Natsu.

Juvia quickly wiped the tears from her eyes, although the rain continued on.

"You know I can't catch a cold. It's you who shouldn't be here. Just- just leave me alone."

Natsu sighed, and sat down beside her. There was a long silence.

"Well, you should just get over him. Gray, I mean. He's just being a jerk because I provoked him. It is his birthday, so he's probably just set off easily."

Juvia choked up again, and Natsu put his arm on her shoulder and pulled her closer. He waited until she was calmer, then she sat back up again.

She finally got a clear view of Natsu's face. He was wearing an expression of hurt. A pang of guilt hit Juvia like a freight train. She was making this all about her. She didn't realize that he was hurt too.

She quickly sat up.

"Well, Lucy didn't really say anything about that, so-so maybe"-

Natsu quickly broke into a grin.

"Lucy? Oh she's just embarrassed because she had to be seen with that loser. She'll be back to her normal self real soon!"

His words sounded convincing, but his voice said something totally different. It was like he was contradicting himself.

She smiled back sheepishly.

"I know Gray-sama would never really mean those things he said. He was probably just caught up in the party. He'll come around eventually. I'll just give him some time alone."

Natsu, inspired by her words, smiled back. Juvia started feeling better about herself. Yes. Gray was just frustrated, that was all. Tomorrow, everything would be much better. The more she told herself, the more she believed it.

It was unintentional. It had to be.

Juvia headed back to her house. 'Thank you Natsu', she thought to herself.

Juvia fell asleep a little more satisfied about what tomorrow would bring. She was dead wrong.

The next morning, she got out of bed, brushed her teeth, and got dressed. The sun was sparkling. Today she would apologize. Then everything would turn out. On the way out the door, she noticed a bag on the counter. The present! She had gotten so caught up yesterday, she had forgotten about it.

Grabbing it, she hurried out the door. She was afraid she might miss him, since he had mentioned something about going on a job. She raced down the cobblestone paths, this time with purpose. She was unsure, yet confident about how today would go.

Just as her legs were about to give up on her, she had climbed the last step, and had begun making her way into the main hall. Sitting casually on a bar stool, she glanced around. Where was he? By the time she noticed him, he was already climbing the steps of the stage.

He stepped up slowly, causing everyone to begin taking interest in what he was doing. Clearing his throat, he said the words she never thought he'd say. The ones she was dreading.

"Umm, hey everyone. I have an announcement to make. Lucy and I. We're-um... officially together."

Juvia dropped the bag with a crash. The glass shattered. As did her heart.


Melted Ice {Natsu x Juvia}Where stories live. Discover now