~revenge and rainbows~

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Juvia's POV

Juvia stood, fists clenched, in front of two figures who were tied up in chairs, gagged. These were the people who ruined everything. The reason she could never have a childhood. The source of her unhappiness for so many years.

"Now's your chance," Haru said. "Your chance for revenge."

Juvia got a good look at her- no, not her parents- these imposters who never raised her and ditched her out of fear and resentment. Their eyes were wide, and they were both shaking. The man let out a stifled shout but the gag was preventing much sound to escape his lips.

The woman's hair was a dark blue, and the man's was black. She recognized them instantly. These were faces she caught glimpses of in weird dreams. Faces she knew, but not really. Familiar, but almost in another lifetime.

She felt hatred bubble up in her, as she recounted all the times she had suffered and felt alone all of these years. They were the reason it was always raining around her, and she could do nothing but hide from the world. When she joined the Phantom Lord guild, she thought she had found a family, but it turned out it was just a place where misfits harnessed their anger to feel better, doing terrible things in the process. She was never really happy there.

She un-clenched her fists and brought forth a violent stream of water up from her feet. It swirled around her body like a dragon. She was mad.

"Do it. Kill them." Haru said, and he began laughing hysterically. Maybe he'd gone mad with the idea of revenge on their parents. She understood why, though.

She looked into their fearful eyes, and became even more angry. Gray. She'd joined the Fairy Tail guild with high hopes for a better future. She fell in love. She had devoted her whole live towards him. And what did she get in return? Not only betrayal. But heartbreak a thousand times over. Not only by Gray, but Lucy. Her first friend. Maybe her only friend. Natsu must have been heartbroken.


The color returned to her eyes. She thought of her and Natsu, going on missions, laughing, fighting. The little moments that made her smile. She felt herself asking: What would Natsu do?

And suddenly the water splashed onto the floor, losing its form.

What was this feeling? Jealousy? No. Affection?

"What- what are you doing?" Haru sputtered.
Juvia was still lost in thought. Is this what she wanted? Revenge? Would it really make her happy? She could practically see Natsu in her mind, guiding her. Telling her to... run?

"Fine. If you won't do it, I will." Haru said, and launched his hand up in the air, a gigantic pillar of violent waves towering over him.

It was a split-second decision, but something moved her, as she stretched out her arm, sending a glistening liquid wall in front of Haru's attack, blocking her parents. She didn't know what had come over her. She hated her parents, with all her heart. And yet... something inside of her couldn't stand by and watch someone die, even if they deserved it.

Haru turned towards her, confused and in shock.

"Juvia... How- how could you? After all we've been through? All of my searching... I was doing this for you! And you betrayed me. HOW DARE YOU?"

There was a huge thunder clap, and all that Juvia could see was spikes of water, coming at her from every direction. She closed her eyes. Was this it? The end?

A loud explosion interrupter her flurried thoughts, and she braced for an impact- that never came. She cracked open an eye to see Haru standing in a thick smoke, coughing. He was looking into a large flame at the edge of the room. A raging flame.

"N-Natsu?" Juvia shouted in confusion.

The smoke had begun filling her lungs, and even though she fought to stay conscious, she felt her knees buckle beneath her. The last thing she saw was a white scarf.


"Juvia! Juvia wake up!" a frantic voice called out to her. She let out a low incoherent mumble, and then burst into a coughing fit.

"Oh, thank god! I thought you were dead!" The voice sounded familiar. But... who was it?

Juvia gasped, sucking the fresh air into her lungs. "Natsu!"

And there he was, in the flesh. He'd come for her.

"Quick! We've gotta run now! He's following us and we can't let him catch up. He's, like, really powerful!" He said, out of breath.

Juvia nodded quickly as he helped her stand up, and they broke into a run. Their surroundings were unfamiliar to her. All she could see was a desert land all around. How did they get all the way out here?

"How did you find me?" Juvia asked, puzzled.

"Happy tracked you down. You better explain everything later. But who was that guy anyway?"

Juvia gulped. "He's... my brother."

Natsu almost tripped. "Wait, WHAT?"

Before she could say anymore, a loud boom echoed not far behind them. He was gaining on them. Before Juvia had time to speak, Natsu stopped and turned, facing the attacker.

"I think we're gonna have to fight our way of of this one, Juvia." He said with a grim expression.

They made eye contact, and Natsu flashed her a confident smile. Juvia blushed and quickly looked away. Even though danger was imminent, she couldn't stop feeling confused. What was going on?

He took her hand, and they took a step forward, ready to face what lay ahead.


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