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Juvia's POV

Juvia felt a gash open up in her shoulder, the warm sickly blood beginning to pool on her cloak.

The teeth surrounded her, the heat unbearable. Dark. Light. She knew she was dying.

She inhaled sharply as another tooth impaled her right thigh. Tears began to pour. She couldn't move. She couldn't think. This was it. She closed her eyes.

Suddenly, she felt something wrap around her back. A sharp tug. And then- fresh air. She cracked open her eyes.

"Juvia, you're gonna be okay." It was Loki, face ashen, scaling down the side of the dragon.

She took in her surroundings. They were on what appeared to be a giant crystal, sharp points jutting out at random. On closer inspection, she realized that it was the dragon itself that was the crystal. It seemed the dragons entire outer skin mass was composed entirely of sharp, white crystals.

She then remembered they were hundreds of feet off the ground.

"Loki! How'd you get up here? How are we going to get down?" Juvia shouted urgently.

Loki could barely hear her over the roar of the wind, but instead motioned with his head down.

Juvia glanced down to see Happy near the foot of the dragon, fighting to stay afloat among the heavy flapping of the dragon's wings.

When they reached the bottom of the dragon, near its foot, Loki set her down.

"I can't stay out here for much longer or else I'll disappear. I'm sorry Juvia. Have faith."

Juvia nodded his way as he disappeared in a flash of bright light.

She then returned to the task at hand. Glancing down, she noticed Happy, hands outstretched.

"Juvia! You're gonna have to jump!" He shouted through the wind.

Juvia was losing blood by the second, and the Deathlock had fully taken over her head. She was freezing in such a  high altitude, her teeth chattering. She felt herself blacking out. But she knew she had to give it one last push.

Using all remaining energy, she pushed off the dragon, into the air.

Out of nowhere, she was pushed out of the air by what seemed a wall of brute force.

The wind was knocked out of her lungs, and she could barely tell what was going on.

Then she realized she had been grabbed once again by the dragon's claw.

She tried to make out where Happy was, but she was being flung around in the claw. She couldn't even tell which way was up. She didn't even think she cared anymore.

She saw a light in the distance, getting closer and closer. She started getting hotter and hotter. Was this it?

Then she started to make out a figure- it wasn't just a light, it was a person.

"N-Natsu!" His name escaped her lips.

The two made eye contact for a split second, his body engulfed in a thick flame. But this contact lasted only a moment. He immediately sped past her.

She suddenly felt something wrap around her back. Blue paws?

"Happy!" She made out.

"Don't worry Juvia! I got you this time! Just hang on!"

Juvia felt herself being lifted off of the dragons claw, into the air, being propelled by Happy's wings.

As they soared through the air, descending back towards the earth, Juvia looked up in a panic.

Melted Ice {Natsu x Juvia}Where stories live. Discover now