~fire and water~

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About 5 months have passed. You'd think Juvia was getting over the entire Gray incident by now. And she was. For the past couple months, Juvia had been eating away at her pain, going on countless jobs with Natsu. But the pain was still there. She just didn't notice it as much.

She couldn't pinpoint that feeling she felt. When she was with Natsu, something washed over her. Was it calmness? A feeling of relief? Safety? She shook it away. Now was not the time to be lost in thought. They were in the middle of a heavy battle with some earth-type mages, after all.

She looked them up and down. One was a shorter and scrawnier-looking guy, with brown, spiky hair. She shivered inwardly in disgust. She could only imagine the last time he took a shower. She quickly turned to her left. A tall, muscular guy, at least two times her height, was cracking his knuckles. His bright, blond hair stood out a little too much, leaving her blinking for a couple seconds. With hair like that, blinding an opponent should be easy. She couldn't tell if this was a tactic, or just plain stupidity.

Finally, on her right, a smaller, agile girl stood. She was a little shorter than Juvia, and her hair shone a deep black. Hair like that, it looked just like-

No, she couldn't think of that now. Let the past be, Juvia. Stay focused.

They all wore matching purple robes, and by the looks of them, they were novices. Their stances were unbalanced, their hands dropped at their sides. For all she could tell, she could probably just walk up to them and punch them; and get away with it too.

Regardless, she knew she should never underestimate an opponent. She stood, hands at the ready, about to conjure some basic attack, when Natsu held a hand in front of her.
Juvia gaped. What was he doing? Couldn't he see they were in the middle of a fight?

But then he turned to her and smiled. Such a stunning smile, she couldn't look away. She knew what to do when this happened. Just sit back and watch the show.

"I've been meaning to practice this new attack I've been working on for a while now." Natsu said, right on cue. "I've never tried it on an actual opponent, since... Well, you know what happened last time...."

Juvia shuddered. She could still see Max, lying in the middle of a gaping hole. There had been smoke everywhere...

'Get that thought out of your head Juvia! I do hope he's alright though...'

"But I'll need you to help me!" Natsu finished.

Juvia turned her head in bemusement. "You want me to help?! Since when?"

"Since now!" He replied enthusiastically.

"Um, ok. But don't I have to actually know what to do before I do it? What do I say? At least tell me that!"

"Well, I've been meaning to let you know for a while, but it's a fire-water combination spell. Pretty cool, huh!"

Juvia blinked. "Won't the two just cancel each other out? I mean, fire and water don't exactly... you know, go together."

Natsu sat on the dirt floor, lost in thought. Then he perked up. "We'll make it work!"
"That's your plan?!"

"Well, yeah, I guess... Well, what do you think we should do about them then?"

Juvia turned back to their assailants. They had been talking for so long, they must have weirded out their enemy by now. Juvia grinned sheepishly and turned back to Natsu.

"You know what, your idea works, I guess."
"Great. Just hold my hand, and let's do this thing!"

As Juvia took his hands, she realized his hands were warm. She felt herself blushing.

Melted Ice {Natsu x Juvia}Where stories live. Discover now