My father

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My father isn't a bad man.
I don't hate him,
I never have.
I just feel extremely
Uncomfortable around him.
It's not his fault that I am,
In fact,
It's my fault.
I'm the one that stays in
My room all day.
I'm sorry.
I know I used to be your
Now it's my brother.
I know that you are disappointed
In me and I'm sorry.
I should work better to make
You proud but it's hard.
It's so hard.
I'm exhausted from trying
And I'm sorry that I failed
Last year.
I'm really trying but I'm
Falling behind.
I know you only want the best
For me, and I know you
Want to see me succeed
But sometimes it feels like you
Don't care about me.
Sometimes it feels like I'm just a
Kid that you don't know.
Sometimes it feels like you
Aren't even my father.
I know you say that I've
Changed over the past 3 years
And it's because of my depression.
I'm sorry that I did stupid
Things and got in trouble
A lot, but I'm just a kid.
Cut me some slack,
Cause I don't know what
I'm doing in this big,
Scary world.
When I was doing my performance
A few months ago,
You drove me there.
You asked if it was okay if
You could go eat instead of
Watching me perform.
I only said yes because I didn't
Want to upset you.
I got a bad score and
You were late by an hour
And thirty minutes.
I had to wait outside for an
Hour and thirty minutes for
You to come and pick me up.
You didn't notice that I had been
How could you know?
I was crying at the end of my
Performance because I failed
My partner.
Oh but don't worry,
My tears dried up before you came.
So no, I don't hate you.
I'm just disappointed.

325 words

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