In 3rd grade
My teacher
Asked the
Class what
We wanted
To be when
We grew up.
Everyone else
Had said normal
Answers like
"Doctor" or
"Princess" but I,
I said that I wanted
To be a ghost.
The teacher didn't
Think much about
It and dismissed
The class.
If only she could
See me now,
Only a few years
Later, and I'm sitting
Alone in my room
With my wrists
Bleeding out.
What a life.Okay so instead of saying "poem by me" I'm gonna start saying "m.r" for my initials. Thank you for reading
99 words
Poetry1:48 am "And with every drop of rain that hits the earth, I can hear your soulful voice echoing through my mind. Calm whispers of the wind, crashing along the sea, calming my every nerve. You are the air in my lungs and the words I speak. You are my...