Chapter 1

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(A/N I do not own either PJO/HOO or Eragon, all rights go to Rick Riordan and Christopher Paolini. Well except the plot and original characters I come up with.)

1st person POV | Percy

Wincing at the sudden brightness I looked around at my surroundings. Where the Hades was I?

I was on the shore of a beach, which was slightly confusing and I had no idea how I went from a giant never-ending hole to the beach but I wasn't going to complain. I attempted to stand. Bad idea. I immediately toppled over from the pain. Everything. Hurt. Reaching out with my powers, the water rose and spread towards me, I sighed with the feeling of my body healing and my strength returning. I shakily stood and made my way over the ocean, where I promptly collapsed. I felt the ocean's power. It was strange and unfamiliar, it felt wild and uncontrolled as if it had never encountered Poseidon or any other sea deity and would not yield to them. Despite this, I still had my powers over water and so I decided that it wasn't a priority at the moment. I sat down and pondered my options, I had taken the time earlier to examine what the items I had and I was comforted by the feel of Riptide in my hand even if it was in its pen form. However, apart from Riptide, I had basically nothing. My camp shirt was so torn, faded and dirty that even with a good clean in the ocean it looked more brown than orange. My trousers were in a similar state and might've inspired a new brand of fashion if they weren't covered in filth and dirt. I also had no food and no idea where I was. I doubted that Gaia just moved me to a random island somewhere and I knew that I needed to find out more about where I was. I asked some nearby aquatic life but all they could tell was that I was in someplace named Alagaesia. Also, I asked if they knew how to get to Poseidon and I was pretty surprised when they told me that they have never heard of him. It also explained why the fish didn't know who I was.

After a great deal of thinking (Yes my seaweed brain does function thank you very much) I decided to travel by ocean along the coast, reasoning that there would probably be cities along the coast.

Time skip | 2 days

After two days of travelling, I started to get a weird feeling, pulling downwards towards something. Now I know what you're thinking "Why would you do that it's probably a trap". Normally I would agree with you, however, I felt like I had to do this and like I would never be complete if I didn't. And so that is how I found myself swimming around at the bottom of the ocean, yeah, anyway I eventually found a small opening that leads to an underwater cave with a large air pocket. The cave was worn away at the entrance and was clearly quite old, it was also clearly not human. The walls, floor and ceiling were far too flat and from the cavern, itself was a great deal like a roughly created rectangular prism. I was in awe and raised Riptide higher to provide a little more light, as I did so, a flash from the back of the cavern caught my attention. Moving cautiously, I approached the back of the cavern until Riptide illuminated a light ice blue stone and a beautiful sword. I picked up and examined the sword, the blade was a pale, light blue colour while the guard was a deep blue with white highlights. The grip was black with and there was large pale blue gem set into the pommel (A/N basically it is the sword above but there is a large gem the colour of the blade, set into the pommel). The blade 89cm and the overall length of the sword were 125cm. Giving it an experimental swing I found that it was felt perfect in my hands and matched if not exceeded Riptide. Additionally, with the slightly larger grip, I could easily wield the blade with one hand or two.

I decided to take it. I mean who's going to miss it, it was at the bottom of the sea. I picked up the scabbard which was a deep blue colour that matched the sword's guard and sheathed the sword. Luckily someone had already placed a sword belt next to the scabbard. With this done I shifted my attention to that of the large stone, it was an ice blue colour which matched the base of my newly acquired sword. It texture looked odd and I couldn't help but reach out and touch it, surprisingly it was a little warm and was much smoother to the touch than a regular stone. I decided to investigate the rest of the cavern before getting back to the egg. However, my efforts proved fruitless as after 20 minutes of searching I found nothing else of interest, I circled back to the egg which I noticed was barely shaking. As I watched the shaking increased exponentially until a sharp crack was heard, a couple pieces of the stone fragmented and fell away. I cautiously took a step back and as I did so, cracks ran throughout the entire egg until it broke open and revealed a baby. A baby dragon. I sighed, of course, there was a baby dragon, just my luck to find a baby dragon at the bottom of an ocean in some land called Alagaesia. I thought over my options, I couldn't leave it down here alone for sure it would die, I also couldn't kill it, Mrs O'Leary was proof that not all monsters were evil in addition to this I felt a connection to the creature and somehow knew that it wasn't a monster.

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