Chapter 4

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(A/N the above image was another idea I had for what Irryl would look like but I decided it was just too different from the appearance of Saphira, Thorn, Shruikan.)

EDIT: Just would like to thank @kate-birch for being the first one user to vote for my story.

3rd Person POV | The Dragon Wing

The group of villagers and Percy examined one another. During villagers appraisal of him, he returned our assessment and I noticed that he only paused slightly when he noticed my hammer, in addition to this I could see his cautious gaze seek out and locate the knives hidden about us. I cursed silently, we had hoped to put him at ease, and yet he could tell that we were armed to the teeth.

Despite this Percy let out a large lopsided smile that seemed to light and brightens the mood, Roran almost felt the sides of his mouth give an involuntary twitch, something that surprised him so he hadn't so much as had a happy thought since Katrina was taken. Immediately that thought dampened his mood and sent him into a spiral of worry and despair, as this occurred the others were smiling at Percy and clasping hands with him.

A touch to Roran's shoulder (his uninjured one) and a low and soft voice brought Roran out of his morbid thoughts. "Are you okay Roran?" Percy was speaking and looked Roran in his eyes, Percy's eyes appeared to be filled with what seemed to be concern for Roran.

Roran blinked and suddenly aware that he had gotten rather side-tracked and forgotten his current situation. Roran cleared his throat and replied gruffly "I'm fine, and besides, at the moment we have more pressing issues that must be dealt with." As Roran reached up with his other arm to remove Percy's hand he stopped suddenly as his wound from the Ra'zac spiked with pain from the motion.

I stifled a groan at the pain but Percy noticed anyway, concerned he asked "Where you wounded in the attack? I did not realise you had engaged your pursuers." Roran was irritated at himself for displaying the weakness to a possible enemy but he concluded that it could not be helped now.

In hopes of avoiding further inquiry Roran simply grunted, he then moved on to introduce their group. During the introductions, Percy was surprisingly friendly and shook hands with each person as they were introduced. With their introductions complete they turned and looked at Percy expectantly

Percy merely chuckled before he introduced himself "Perseus Jackson, but please call me Percy and this is my companion, Irryl." (I never actually noticed this before, but Percy's last name fits the naming conventions of Alagaesia. You know Roran Garrowson etc.).

At this point, Jeod couldn't contain himself any longer and spoke up "Percy, if I may be so bold, you are Irryl's rider are you not?"

This statement seemed to mildly confuse Percy before a look of understanding crossed his face. Irryl reminded Percy that "dragon rider" was the term used to refer to the being that was bonded to a dragon and he quickly recovered, "Yes I am," at this, he paused for a moment before hesitantly inquiring "is it alright for Irryl to participate in this conversation?"

The villagers from Carvahall, Uthar and Jeod stared at Percy for an uncomfortably long moment, he was just so casual about admitting that he was a dragon rider that it had completely caught them off guard. The silence continued and Percy started tapping his feet and fidgeting, Irryl wasn't any help either as she decided to add her input despite watching the scene unfold much to her amusement, "Yes Percy is my rider, and I warn you that any attempt to harm him will result in your violent deaths." This statement was delivered in an even tone with a slight growl at the end resulting in flinches from the group.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2018 ⏰

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