He's ok... isn't he?

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I waited.

And waited.

And waited.


I looked at the window as Master Fu who left a few hours ago, told me that someday Hawk Moth will 'go capture the miraculouses himself', and his weapon is stronger than any other, so I had to be careful. Oh, where is Chat? I thought. Emma and Hugo weren't willing to have dinner because their papa wasn't there, so I had to give them candy after they did. It was 8 pm, and I grew more worried than ever.

"Tikki, should I just wait or find him?" I asked. The little kwami thought for a while and said, "Maybe you should. He never comes back home later than 7." I nodded agreeing. Just when I was about to transform, the bakery door opened. We own our very own bakery, The Agreste's. It's very popular, we earn much more money than we expected.

"Hello, welcome to The Agreste's. What would you want?" I said while getting my apron.

"I want a blue whipped cream birthday cake right over there." A recognized voice exclaimed. I looked up to make sure. It looked like someone, just… who? As I looked closer, a blond girl with a yellow jacket around her, and a pair of white pants with bright yellow shoes. It was…

"Chloe Bougerious?! Is that you?!" I yelled. And sure enough, her eyes brightened up. "Marinette Dupian-Cheng!" We both hugged each other. Then we stopped and turned around, making a 'hmpt!' noise.

"Mommy, am I going to get my cake or what?" I heard another girl say. I turned around and found a little girl with orange hair with a pony tail and her big, blue bright eyes which sparkled while wearing a yellow baby dress and yellow shoes. She looked adorable.

"Just a minute Angelkins, mommy will get your birthday cake, just wait ok?" "Ok!" The cute little girl smiled brightly and ran to a corner. Chloe looked at me again. By that time, I was only concentrating on the child.

"Give me my cake and I'll go." She snapped. Gee, I wondered, will she ever be like her mom? I nodded and gave her the cake in a bag and a receipt. Her eyes widen. Uh oh. Is it another mistake I just made? I checked. Nope. Then what's she looking at? "ARE YOU NUTS MARINETTE DUPIAN-CHENG?! The cake was 102 dollars, why did it turn into 102.5 dollars?! ARE YOU TRYING TO STEAL MONEY WITH MY HUSBAND AND ME?!" I sighed. "The bag was included Chloe, see that sign?" I pointed and Chloe looked. She stuttered and apologized. I said no biggie and asked her if she wanted to come and chat with me for a while. She agreed and took her child with her. We all got into the living room. I boiled tea for them and chat with them.

"Now Angelkins? This is Aunt Marinette. Call her Aunt Mari for short. Marinette? This is Angelki- I mean Angel, my daughter."

"Hello Aunt Mari!" Angel smiled and I giggled at her cute voice. We chatted for a long time, for 2 hours, I guess. I was happy to see my friend, until…

"… I'm so happy to see you and Adrien so happy together, which works for me and Nathaniel. By the way, where is Adrien? Is he sleeping or something?"

"Oh, he's sleeping in his-" Oh no, Adrien?! ADRIEN! I COMPLETLY FORGOT!!! I was supposed to be looking for him, when I was distracted by Chloe! "Errr um gotta go it was nice to talk to you byyyyyyye!" I said as I politely told Chloe to leave, which thank God, she did.

"Tikki, spots on!" I yelled as Ladybug came out from the bakery, jumping from roof to roof, in search for Adrien.

Adrien's POV

"Mmmmmmmmhmhmhm!" I yelled as I tried to speak but failed. I was tied and my mouth was stuck with tape. I wish Marinette was here to save me…


"Here." I said as I returned the broken crown to the girl. "I'm sorry I broke it." The girl looked up at me and smiled. She stood up and we shook hands. Her name was Jenny. She was clumsy all the time, so she was akumitized because everyone, including her family, laughed at her everyday with her clumsiness. I felt bad, but had worse. My father never had the time to care for me, ever since mom left. Those memories all floated on my mind. That's when my paws on my ring had three. I smiled and waved her goodbye as I jumped back home. I couldn't wait to meet the lady. My lady. But then…

"Ow! Hey! Watch it!" I yelled as a man appeared in front of me and hit me. Then I saw more of them. Luckily I was near a flour tank. "Cataclysm!" I yelled and smashed the flour tank. A huge smoke appeared, leaving the men coughing, while I took my chance of escaping. I decided to run home. There would be more men coming my way. Then, I fainted. I didn't know what happened. A moment I was running, and another I fainted.

End of Recap

"Excellent, now I have Chat Noir, Ladybug will be here very soon, both of them will be mine!" Then I heard a evil laugh. It was none other than-

Hawk Moth. My ring was beeping. I would turn into Adrien very soon, and this just can't happen. Please, Marinette, Ladybug, please, rescue me…

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