Meet grandpa Gabriel

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"Mommy, mommy! Guess what?" Emma said, jumping into my arms.

"Yes, sweetie?" I smiled.

"Today I learned all about family! And I realized that your parents are called grandpas and grandmas!" Oh, what a sweet girl she is. That gave me an idea.

"Why don't we go to grandpa's house?" I heard the kids squeal in excitement. I giggled and we headed off.

~At the Agreste Mansion~

"Grandpa!" Hugo yelled and hugged Gabriel tight. "Well hello, my grandchild, you seem big and strong today! I haven't seen you in days!" He laughed and looked at Emma. "She's got Adrien's eyes." I sighed. Adrien had to work extra hard to pay the bill. We never really thought the conditioner would be so expensive.

"He is working in the bakery again. I'm sure he wants to meet you." I said as Emma and Hugo play with Emilie Agrete.

"Grandma grandma! Can you show us that magic trick again?"

"Well sure I can! Abracadabra!"


Gabriel sighed. "I'm sure that he was disappointed in me for being a cold father."

"Or maybe he is," I said, fixing my hair into a bun, "after all, who knew you were a super villain." Gabriel sighed and got up. He walked over to Emilie and kissed her cheek.


"M-MARINETTE!!! Y-YOU HAVE TO COME RIGHT N-NOW!!!" Adrien bursted into the room, panting. I literally flew up onto the ceiling.

"Adrien for the love of god stop doing that!" I yelled, picking up my balance. "I nearly crashed the ceiling!"

"O-Oh, sorry Marinette, anyways, WE HAVE TO GO RIGHT NOW!!!!!!" He said, pulling my arm to the door. I groaned. What now?

"Adrien if this is about the bakery you really need to get back to work, you know-----mmph!" I yelled as our lips crashed together. At first I was completely shocked but the next thing I knew I melted into the kiss. I smiled as we gasped for breath. "Thank you Adrien, I really needed that. Now, what's the rush?"

"Everything!!!" He shouted. "I don't understand how but a bunch of people are getting akumaized!!! Alya, Nath, Chloe… everyone!!!"

"W-What???" I shouted, not noticing that Emma and Hugo were there. Adrien pointed at them and I turned around.

"Can we go now?" Emma asked, rubbing her eyes, "I'm sleepy."

"Oh, not yet sweetheart, go play with grandma. Oh, and, could you call grandpa out please?" Emma nodded and raced inside. A moment later, Gabriel came out, with a smile on his face, but quickly frowned when he saw our faces.

"Uh is something wrong?" Gabriel said.

"Don't play dumb Agreste, you know what's going on."

"What do you mean, Mrs. Dupian-Cheng?" Gabriel started to yell, clutching his fists, as if he didn't know what was going on. Luckily, I didn't buy it.

I raised my eyebrow. "So you mean you're not the one doing this? Alright Gabriel, let me ask you: is there anyone else in Paris that can akumatize people other than you?"

Gabriel froze for a second and coughed. "Excuse me Miss Dupian-Cheng, but I'm not in my layer and my miraculous is in Master Fu's hands."

"Ohhhhhhhhhh… then, who is?!" I yelled, clearly frustrated.

That question echoed through my head.

People getting akumatized…

Gabriel not guilty…

The miraculous in someone else's hand…

Who is responsible, and why?

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