⌜ special chapter ⌟

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jeno glared at the two that are feeding each other like how couples do

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jeno glared at the two that are feeding each other like how couples do. but they are, they are married a couple. he just can't help but get mad at mark who excused himself at the meeting just to have fun with donghyuck in the bed. he actually visited mark and saw a lot of hickeys on his neck, and he knows there were also some marks on his chest.

renjun giggled and nudged jeno ❝that happened a week ago, forgive and forget.

i can forgive but i can never forget.❞ he buried his head on his palms

jaemin laughed ❝it's okay.❞ he kissed jeno's cheeks, earning a small smile from the other but a pout from the chinese. ❝what's wrong?

renjun poked his cheeks ❝how about me?

both the younger and jeno giggled at renjun's cute reaction and the two kissed both of renjun's cheeks. right for jeno and left for jaemin. renjun smiled, feeling satisfied.

mark hugged donghyuck by the waist ❝i'm sorry about last night.

donghyuck tilted his head and furrowed his brows ❝how many times have you apologized already?

i'm just sorry.❞ mark buried his head on the younger's neck ❝very sorry.

a smile formed in the younger's lips as he was playing with the older's hair ❝you just spilled hot coffee on my shirt last night.

i know, i'm so clumsy and i'm sorry.❞ mark mumbled

idiot it's nothing serious.❞ mark changed and donghyuck liked it. it was a good change. ❝you've changed.❞ he's not complaining though, he's happy that mark changed for the better good.

why did mark suddenly change? was it because of the dream?

even the three wondered, jeno, jaemin, and renjun. they stared at the two as if they saw something weird or out of this world. their brows were furrowed. they still weren't used to seeing mark being so clingy towards donghyuck. it's been years since they last saw these two acting that way. they were happy, but still have to get used to it.

jeno still couldn't forget about mark telling him that he's sick. he wondered why mark was breathing heavily on the phone and heard some muffled noises and now he knows what happened. he regretted calling the older.

i just don't want to lose you.❞ mark hummed

i'm not going anywhere.❞ donghyuck hugged him back

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