Jeffy x Pansexual! Reader

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For all those who didn't know, Pansexual means you care for not but the personality, and not looks. I think, at least...

Your POV

You smiled as you skipped over to your BF's, Jeffy Jeffy, house. On the way, you were wondering why his parents decided to take their child Jeffy Jeffy, but that doesn't matter.
As you stopped in front of the door, you knocked. The door opened, revealing Jeffy on the other side.
"Oh, hey Y/N! What are you doin' here?"
He asked.
You smiled and giggled at him. He looked around, scanning to see if anyone is around.

"What are you laughing at? Nothing is funny."
He said questionably. You smiled.
"You, Jeffy. Sometimes, you can be a-door-able!"
You laughed at your own pun, laughing like an idiot. Jeffy just looked at you like you just insulted someone he knew and cared for. You began to slow your laughter and chuckled nervously.

Jeffy smiled and told you to come in. Jeez, he had strong mood swings...
You walked in and looked around, once again admiring the building. You and Jeffy ran inside the play room, finding Cody, Junior, and Joseph. You waved at the three as you walked passed them.
You and Jeffy sat down in front of a table, and on that table was play dough. You smiled at Jeffy as he opened one.

"Hey, [Y/N], stay still, okay." He said and began to make you in play dough form. Jeffy smiled at the finishing product. "There we go! A beautiful piece of art!" He said proudly. You blushed and chuckled.
"Wow, Jeffy, you're really good at anything creative!" You said. He smiled. "And you're really good at capturing my attention, Y/N!" He said back. You didn't understand that.
"What do you mean?" You asked. "I mean you look pretty! You could capture my attention with your pretty-ness in a huge crowd!" He said sweetly. You blushed even more.

"Jeffy and Y/N sittin' in a tree! K I S S I N G!" The three sung. You snapped your head towards them, and glared. They giggled and shut up.
"Aww, I wish!" You heard Jeffy pout. You rolled your eyes playfully and rested your head on Jeff's shoulder.
"WHAT!?" Jr yelled. "YOU ACTUALLY LOVE HIM!?" He asked, still yelling. You nodded your head and smiled. Jeffy smirked at that.


Well this was clichè. Oh well.

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